The Breach

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   "Wanna ditch class today?" Kai sat on Anissa's desk and blurted out the question.
"We have to study for this test, If I fail my parents are going to kill me!" Anissa shoved Kai of her desk and opened up a book.
"Come on Anissa, we have been studying all week! Can we just take a break!" Anissa looked up at Kai and stared at him for a couple of seconds.
"Whatever but if I fail this test, your dead." Kai grabbed Anissa by the wrist and they began to sprint down the hallway. Anissa quickly passed him. Anissa's dress wrapped around her calfs like a white sheet in the wind.
"God damn this dress!" Anissa yelled, as she was sprinting Anissa grabbed the skirt of her dress and ripped it off leaving only the shorts she had underneath.
"Anissa, can... we... stop...?" Kai said in between breaths. Anissa slowed down to a walk and turned around to face Kai. She stared at him while Kai was grasping for breath.
"You know you have got to be one the most powerful women I have ever met!" As Kai stood up his head turned up to stare Anissa in the eye.
"Is that a good thing or a bad thing?"
"Well with those Abnormals you have to be ready for anything, Kai."
"That's why I'm telling you we should become scouts!" Anissa began to walk away. " Listen Anissa I know you miss Jay and that you don't want anything to do with the scouts, but what about your mom, and your dad and my family? We need to be able to protect them!" Anissa continued to walk away. "God dammit Anissa! Ever since your brother was eaten by that damn Abnormal you've been so distant and you never smile! I understand it's hard but that was two years ago! I miss the real Anissa!" Anissa turned around to face Kai and looked up at the wall. Kai turned around to look at a wall and saw an Abnormal standing at the top of the wall. "That wall is five miles high! How did it get up there?" Kai looked back at Anissa, she was frozen. Kai grabbed Anissa by the shoulders and shook her. "Anissa! Don't do this now!" He continued to shake her. "Anissa!" A tear rolled down Anissa's cheek. She grabbed Kai by the hips and lifted him onto her shoulders, she began to run to their house. "Let me down Anissa! Let me down! Kai looked back and saw multiple Abnormals have joined him.
"I'm not going to let you die too, Kai! When my brother died I felt like a peice of me was taken away! Your the only one I have left! My parents have never been there, you're the only I have left Kai! And someone will have to go through hell and back to take you from me!" Anissa was crying.
"Anissa I'm not going to leave you!" Kai was crying now too. Anissa stopped and Kai fell off her shoulders. Their house was completely crushed. "Momma, Dad!" Kai got up and saw his mother under a pile of debris.
"Kai, oh my baby. Anissa! Your parents they are safe they fled to the 2nd Serenity.
"Momma! Where is Dad? Where is he Momma?" Kai's mom began to cry. An Abnormal dropped from the wall and started to run towards them "Godammit I can't leave you here Mom!" Kai began to try and pull his mother out.
"Kai! My foot is crushed! If you get me out I won't be able to run! Leave me!" Kai continued to pull her. "Anissa get him out of here please! No matter what happens you have to protect him, for me! Please." Anissa grabbed Kai and started to run!
"No! Anissa! God dammit fuck you Anissa! Put me down we can't leave her there!" The Abnormal got to the house and lifted Kai's mother out of wood and held her to its mouth. It let out a horrendous shriek and-.
"NO! Mom! Anissa! How could you do that my mom is dead and I couldn't of done anything about it because of you!" Anissa stopped and threw Kai off of her.
"Why don't you let anybody do anything for you, Kai? You could of been killed and I would of had no one! Take a second and think about how I would of felt if you died!" Anissa walked away.
"I'm sorry Anissa, where are you going?"
"We are becoming scouts"

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