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After Chrysalis's death Equestria was in deep shock. No pony knew how she died but everyone had their suspicions it was Tirek. Tirek was immediately sent to the Canterlot prison and for a couple of years Equestria remained in harmony until Tirek escaped. 2 years later. "Now come on Pandora you are hardly being fare Daddy needs attention to with mummy as well so stop crying." Discord was pleading with his two year old daughter who was crying her head off. "Fluttershy FLUTTERSHY!" It was pandemonium in Fluttershys house chairs were flying everywhere dishes were slamming to the ground and for some reason Fluttershy was in her own world, blocking out the noises of chaos. "Oh sorry Discord I was in my own world for a second Oh my goodness look at all the mess, Discord was this you?" Discord stood up and crossed his arms and had puppy eyes and said," What me? Oh Fluttershy it was not me I mean oh look out there Princess Celestia is coming better go out and see what she wants!" Fluttershy stopped Discord with her hoof and said,"No Discord I will go and greet my mother you on the other hand will clear this mess up and sort Pandora out," and with that she was gone. Fluttershy walked to the door and she suddenly felt something sharp in her mouth, her teeth were very sharp. Fluttershy thought no more of the matter and opened to the door with a worried Celestia standing there. "Hello Fluttershy can I come in there is something I have to tell you." Fluttershy warned her mother of the chaos in her house but when they went back into the house it was spotless and Pandora was fast asleep. Discord,Fluttershy and Celestia sat down. "So Fluttershy my dearest as you are well aware Tirek was put in prison a couple of years back but unfortunately he has managed to escape and there is someone who he will try and contact!" "His mother?" Discord said. Celestia ignored this. "Oh my goodness what will we do?" Fluttershy worriedly said. "Fluttershy I have to tell you something Tirek will come for you but we will have to allow this as through you we can stop him." Discord shouted, "Hang on a minute he is not taking my wife anywhere!" Fluttershy said, "Why will he come for me why am I so important to him?" Celestia said with a look of guilt,"because Tirek is your father." Discord spat out his chocolate milk he was drinking and said,"You mean my wife is the daughter of that hideous monster, that means she is half pony and god knows what the other half is!" Celestia said," I will discuss this later in more depth but I warn you Fluttershy that we need to keep a close eye on you as we need to be ready for Tirek and Discord just to let you know I know it was you!" There was silence in the room. What has Discord done and where is Tirek and what will happen to Fluttershy all will be revealed soon❤️

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