R.I.P. Sleep, I will forever miss you TT^TT

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I do not own OHSHC !!!!! The pictures used above and for
the cover are not mine, I do not own them (they are pictures of Shiro from No game No life.)
~~~~~~~~~~ Yui POV ~~~~~~~
It's dark! Why is it so dark!? What're those people whispering about? I'm scared! I'm SCARED!!!
Then I remember what day it is and everything makes sense. It's dark because my eyes are still closed and my maids are arguing about who's the unlucky person that has to wake me up. Today is the day I start my education as a student of Ouran Academy. I hadn't even seen the school yet and I hate it! How dare they make me wake up this early it's only 5:00! I shouldn't have to wake up until 10:00 at the earliest.

While still grieving the sleep I lost I force myself out of bed, instantly ending the maids quarreling. I asked the maids to leave me to get ready for school, and they hurried out of the room.

I walked to my closet, where my uniform hung and cringed. Seriously who would where that yellow monstrosity?! It's horrid! I decided I would just come up with my own uniform and wear that, if they didn't like it they could kick me out I didn't want to be here in the first place.

After getting dressed I made my way downstairs. ( Yui looks like the girl in the image above, that's also her uniform ) Once I get down I grab a smoothie made by my chef and walk to the limo. I hadn't bothered to say goodbye as I left the house because my parents were never home and the servants didn't really care they were just there for the money they get from working.
I start to doze off just as we pull up to the school. I exit the limo mentally cursing whoever decided to make school start so early.

As I made my way to the pink building questioning the sanity of the person who decided to paint the school pink, I received stares from insane fan girls and snobs. I payed no attention to their whispers as I walked into the building.

I walked into the office and asked the secretary for my schedule she was very confused due to the fact that she couldn't see me because I was shorter than the desk. "Down here."
"Oh........ What can I do for you my dear?" The woman asked in an overly cheerful and obviously fake tone of voice.
"I'm here for my schedule, I'm Yui Hinata."
The woman hands me my schedule and I leave.

I'm wondering the halls trying to find my class. Well....... Kind of, I was half trying to find my class and half trying to find a place to sleep.

I suddenly bumped into something hard, I guess I had dozed off. I realize that 'something hard' was some really really really tall guys leg. Okay you might think I'm over exaggerating but he was either that tall or he's just really tall and I'm really really short.

"Takashi why'd you stop?" A small blonde holding a bunny asked from the tall man's shoulders. The man grunted I reply, while gesturing to me with a slight nod. The shorty gasps and climbs down from his perch. He stands in front of me, "Are you new here?" He asks while bouncing with what seemed to be excitement. I sleepily reply with a nod. He bounces more.......... I wonder why, the only thing I get this excited about is games.

So, was that okay ??????? I know it isn't amazing but was it okay?

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