Chapter 6- As If You Care

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"Hey baby sister" Wes says and I look at him in disbelief

"How is this possible?" I ask but he stops me

"Ridiculously long story short, your dreaming and I want you to know that it's okay to like Caiden"

"Who said I liked Caiden?"

"I can tell sis, I may be dead but I am always watching" he says while drifting away which causes me to wake up but I scream when I see that Maddie is watching me

Once I catch my breath, I slap her "dude, don't do that!" I say while continuing to slap her Arm and she laughs

"You shouldn't talk about me mrs who says I like Caiden" she says with a teasing tone and I roll my eyes

"That's because I don't like him and my dream was just really weird okay?" I snap and she puts her hands up in surrender and I turn back into bed on my side

"Umm... Where are you going, it's nine- thirty and we have class in ten minutes" she says and I jump up, grab clothes, quickly put them on I don't even brush my hair I just put it in a bun and slip on my sneakers and sweater. Once I am ready, I grab my books and head out of the door. Oh great first period English with Caiden.

"Bye Mads" I say while running because I literally have to get to the other side of campus in three minutes. I get into the door just as the bell rings and sit in my seat and slam my head on the desk while heavily panting.

Someone taps on my shoulder and I look up to see Caiden "you okay?" He asks and I shake my head

"Woke up *pant* late, r-ran across *pant* campus, can't... Breathe" I say while panting hard and he rubs my back and soon enough I am able to breathe normally again.

"Thanks" I say and he winks

"No problem princess" he says and I roll my eyes

"Then that makes you the frog" I say but I immediately take it back because-

"Well then you have to kiss me, oh wait you already did" he says and I cross my arms

"I did it in self defense from the slime ball that was hitting on me. You were a decoy" I say and I swear that I saw a flash of hurt in his eyes but it went away as quickly as it came.

"So, you going to Anthony's party tonight?" He asks

"Another one? He just had one last week-"

"Please come, it won't be fun without you" he begs and I laugh

"It's up to Maddie, if she wants to go then I will go-"

"Oh I'm going roomy" she says and I look at her in disbelief "you seriously forgot that I am in this class too? Wow" she says with a laugh which causes me to laugh and Caiden to smile at me. She motions her eyes to Caiden and does the duck face and I shake my head, I don't know how he didn't notice any of this

"Alright well I guess your going then, see you there" he says with a wink while turning to face the board so we can take notes.
We have been at the party for an hour and once again I have to be the sober one. I watch Maddie take drink after drink and then she gets up and starts dancing on the tables with Anthony.

I go over to her to make sure she doesn't fall "Okay Mads, I think you had enough to drink and come down from there before you fall" I shout over the music and she waves me off

"Nah, I'm fine. Go, have fun" she slurs and I roll my eyes "Anthony you watch her now understand me?" I demand and he shakes his head with a smirk and I start walking but turn around and say "one more thing, no sex! Got it?" I shout and they both nod, honestly I don't think that rule is gonna last but I can only try

I go and try to find Caiden but I am pushed against the wall by some drunk blonde "hey babe, you. me. upstairs, what do you say?" He says and I push his face away

"I say no" But the grabs me and starts kissing me but I push him off "Stop!" I shout and he smirks

"Your so beautiful. Just give in" he says and I try pushing him off but it doesn't work so I raise my knee and kick him in the man parts and I run to find Caiden while crying

I spot him only to see that he is kissing another girl, he sees me crying and he basically pushes the girl off of him and runs towards me and I only cry harder, he gives me a hug but I push him away

"What's wrong?" He asks while trying to hug me again and I let out a big cry and push him away

"Oh, as if you care" I spit while walking away but he grabs my wrist

"I asked what's wrong-"

"STOP IT! I'm going home, make sure Maddie gets home okay" I shout while getting out of his grasp and running out the front door pushing past the crowd of people. I run back to the dorm and lock myself in. I lay on the bed and cry.

That's how I spent my night, traumatized and crying.

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