Alas, For Captains No Hope.
Summary: King Thranduil, known for several things. Son of Oropher, proud father of Legolas Greenleaf, king of Mirkwood. He is known as strong, fair and a magnificent leader for his people. In times of evil, Thranduil fights side by side with his warriors. Not much could possibly effect the glorious leader, besides his family. But one thing out ruled that;Or should we say one elf?
Disclaimer: The genius named J.R.R Tolkien owns Middle-Earth and it's citizen. In other words, I do not own anything besides my OC's. This are currently Berion and the yet unknown children of Thranduil besides Legolas.
Important: This story is also on another website. Still, let me know if you see it anywhere.
T.A. 2891
It was a normal day in Mirkwood. The usual patrols scheduled were patrolling, small spider webs were being cleared, elflings had their archery classes, novices were pushed to their limits and Ellyth were anxious waiting for news. Nothing that stood out in particular.
In a small cramped room sat a tall, powerful ellon filling in paperwork. As for him, the same tasks were needed to be done. Tasks who required his fullest attention and observation. Before him, the realm's most important letters and information were laid open. Because he was no normal ellon, he was King Thranduil of Mirkwood. Ruler of the wood-elves, son of Oropher. The usual life was not his faith and has never been, for he would rule the lands till his death. He would keep the Shadow and the elves of old Greenwood the Great divided. He would stay until the last of the elves had departed for the Havens.
Today's tasks were among others to read the recently send requests of the settlements to the south of Mirkwood and prepare the information for the court taken place the next day. It was his penultimate task of the official day of work. The king's job was never finished, for he had to be prepared for sudden change of events. Spiders nor orcs would take a break unless they were dead or making plans. The last one made the whole realm anxious, for their beloved ones were out there. This sadly included the king's own sons, who were fighting in Mirkwood's patrols.
King Thranduil signed the letter to the settlements with a sigh of relief. That was at least done! Any news of the settlements was never good. The citizen were always having mischief in any way, causing the court many troubled nights. Even good news for the settlement was bad for them. With good news, they would mostly complain about their lack of assistance in it. With bad news, all the blame would go to them. Not only that, also the demands of help and more wealth. If elves could grow grey hairs, they would all be as grey as Mithrandir himself! Perhaps that was one of the reasons for immortality; Perhaps the Valar had foreseen their trouble with the settlements and showed mercy.
With one hard blow Thranduil Oropherion threw the map closed on his wooden desk. Now he only had the task left to overlook the palace gardeners' request. Unlike the other tasks, that was closer to home. Or more importantly, that was closer to his beloved ones.
The gardeners' request kept the king up until dawn. The request involved placing new kinds of flowers in the back of the queen's personal garden, which had been abandon after the beloved queen's sudden death. The king himself had been too troubled in his mind to take actions. His children had closed themselves away from the world, preferring to grieve on their own. This left the staff assisting the queen to manage the garden. They had left their king alone as long as they could, but finally it had been too much for them to handle. They tried to send their request to his advisor, but to no avail. Thranduil discovered the problems himself after a short walk through his beloved's gardens. Enough was enough, he decided. His people had given him more than enough time to grieve, it was time that he started picking up life again.
Alas, For Captains No Hope.
FanfictionMirkwood, T.A. 2891. Fifty years before history would reach another black point. The attack on Dol Guldur and the War of the Ring. Before it all began, an elfling was found. In the chaos, elfs neglect him. Something that shouldn't have happened. And...