The first meeting

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Sunday evening , not really a busy day for Peter, 32, having dinner at One of Canada's best restaurant The Chop. His having a good dinner and a conversation with a good friend and business buddy Tony.
"So hows Everything in France? Our Wine distillery  , haven't been there a long time" said Tony ,35, a long friend of Peter and co owner of Vans Wine Distillery.
"Everything great Bud, I was just talking to one of Hotel Chain in Vancouver and I set the deal that they are only going to get Wines and Beer from Us" "how about that? That's a big achievement ei?" The grin on his face is noticeably stuns every women in the near table .
"Great job I know u can do it Pete"
Smiling ,Peter Vans was not actually focus on talking about their business on Sunday but his smile is also for the next table in front of them. Two white chicks has caught his attention and one of them has seen him kinda looking at him in flirty way. He immediately call the waiter.
" hey how's it going ? Can u do me a favour? I want that two women in front of us , gonna pay for them and please also write a note that it was me who paid for it" he wink at the woman and both waiter and Tony saw the shy smile of the woman in next table . The waiter is a little bit hesitant to do what has been told . Peter saw that look from the waiter and he immediately inserted a 100 dollar on to his hand. "Come on man. Do it! " ofcourse The waiter rush to get the bill. " ohhh wo wow nothing change on you Peter. That's my boy!" Said Tony laughing. Peter winking at the next table.
Not too long Peter Vans has the lady love strolling on Vancouver City downtown.
"So what do u do?" Peter ask hands on the lady's arms trying to be gentle man.
The woman named Charlottle smile from the looks on her face she is really smitten.
" I work as a waitress " giggling
"Oh that's not bad. What do u like to do ? " " by the way u look so pretty and hot I can't take my eyes off u" the usual charm of Peter Vans , he can't remember how many times he said this line to a woman but it always works like a charm.
"Thank u" shy Charlotte. " Come on let's go are u feeling cold? Let's grab a Coffee here " Pete ask the woman to follow him in nearby convenience store . Cold weather he knows the woman needs a little bit more warmth.
" one Capuchino for me pls,and ...     " " latte for me" Charlotte continues.
"One latte for the beautiful lady pls"  " where are we going ei Peter?" Ask Charlotte though she knows she want this man to be with him that night. She can't resist the tantalize eyes of this masculine very hot man in front of him. Who can resist anyway? She feels very lucky.
" wherever you want my ladylove"  he bent over to kiss her forehead . Like a charm he knows he already score this night.
" . Capuchino and latte ready! "
Screams the woman inside counter. Peter and Charlotte rush to get their drinks.
"Thank u" after Peter get his coffee but stop when Charlotte coffee was hit by the woman and fell outside the counter. Charlotte screams as she was thrown by hot coffee all over her legs. " damn! Idiot!" Says Charlotte can't manage to move ,. " hey why are u hiring an idiot staff here? " Peter to the rescue of his lady interest . Get his napkin and trying to dry Charlotte. His mind is focus on later that night, this can't be ruin by that incident.
" oh sorry sir" gasp the man inside,one of the staff .thouhg he knows it's not his fault. It's actually the woman who doesn't seem to care what has just happened because of her clumsiness. " U should train ur staff here trying to be more careful."He said looking at the lady in the counter makes him more mad coz the woman seems clueless not even looking.
" apology sir,she's actually blind" said the staff .
Charlotte raise eyebrows. " what! How the hell she's even working here if she's blind! " screams.
" I agree why are u letting blind people serving hot drinks! Come on what kind of manager do u have?" Peter in more sarcastic tone. Still busy drying his ladylove.
" I apologize madam ,sir.." A slow tone of voice but sounds like an angel .Peter look at the woman. And noticeably he felt sorry for her blind but stunningly beautiful. He stop drying Charlotte clothes. And that look become stare . Red lips,pinkish glow of skin, beautiful red head. Wow! How come the world is so unfair! That was in his head.
Charlotte saw that look of Peter to the woman. " u should not be working here ,where's the manager I will ask to fire u! It's not safe for customers like us." Charlotte anger.
" sorry again she is actually the owner of this store. " staff said.
" What?!" Both Charlotte and Peter
" my apologies I know this actually never happen all the time, I am learning everyday." The lady owner
" yes she's actually good , not a regular blind in the street . She is capable of a lot of things " staff in the counter.
"Ofcourse she's ur boss,u will say only good things about her." Charlotte gasps.
" ok stop it now ," Peter looking at the lady..the blind red head.he can stare at her face for! . Charlotte feels more irritated seing him staring at this blind woman.
" hey Peter lets go,unbelievable! Let's go now! " Peter is stun not moving .
"Holy!" I will leave u and this blind woman tonight , !" Charlotte running outside.
People are looking at them and also stun at what was happening. Peter Vans wake up in reality and immediately run outside for Charlotte. Too late! She already went inside a cab. Fuck his life! The opportunity this evening was gone! Mad he went Back at the convenient store.
" well that's great u ruin my night Ms.Owner!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2016 ⏰

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