Meet the Contestants!

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Author-chan: Okay, Let's meet our contestants!

Dipper: Contestants...? This isn't a game show...

Author-chan: Whatever. Just go along with it. Anyway! Introduce yourselves!

Bill: The names Cipher. *winks* Bill, Cipher.

Will: My n-names Will! *shy smile*

Dipper: I'm Dopper! I mean Dipper!

Rev!Dipper: Name is Dipper Gleeful. Call me Tyrone.

Author-chan: Alrighty! Let's begin! Send in those dares and questions, folks!

Dipper: Not a game show!

Author-chan: WHATEVER!

Will: SHES SCARY! *shakes like a chihuahua*

Bill: Wimp...

Ask and Dare BillDip and WillDipWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt