Author-chan: Okay, Let's meet our contestants!
Dipper: Contestants...? This isn't a game show...
Author-chan: Whatever. Just go along with it. Anyway! Introduce yourselves!
Bill: The names Cipher. *winks* Bill, Cipher.
Will: My n-names Will! *shy smile*
Dipper: I'm Dopper! I mean Dipper!
Rev!Dipper: Name is Dipper Gleeful. Call me Tyrone.
Author-chan: Alrighty! Let's begin! Send in those dares and questions, folks!
Dipper: Not a game show!
Author-chan: WHATEVER!
Will: SHES SCARY! *shakes like a chihuahua*
Bill: Wimp...
Ask and Dare BillDip and WillDip
HumorThe title pretty much explains it... Ask and Dare your favorite triangle dream demon and his pine tree, along with (wimpy) Will Cipher and his "Master", Reverse Pine Tree! (Rev!Dipper), and don't forget Mabel, Stanley, Stanford, Pacifica, Gideon, So...