Waking up to Nash was probably one of my favorite feelings of all time. He was effortlessly handsome. Sometime through the night his chocolate brown hair had fallen out of the braid that I did while he was playing some post apocolyptic video game the night before, and was now scattered in a wild mess over his face. The two week old beard he decided to grow was patchy on his sharp jaw line and he had a tiny smile spread across his lips. Yes, waking up to Nash Thompson was my favorite feeling in the world but the pang of guilt that I felt in my chest after it was not.

"I promise that I'll come back for you." A voice from a slowly fading memory crossed my mind.

"I just don't do relationships." Nash's voice, from a more recent memory, followed it.

I could only imagine where the person from the first voice was. It had been so long ago that I wasn't even sure if that person was still the same as he once was. I knew Nash was still the same person and I knew where he was. Right here. Right here next to me like he has been since he worked up the courage to ask me to our senior prom, 5 years before, even though he knew I was still devastated over Travis' move.

"What are you thinking about?" Nash mumbles in his scruffy sleepy voice.

"I was just thinking about the day you asked me to prom.' I smile lightly as I push his hair out of his face.

"Oh yeah," he questions as he pulls me in close to him, "What about that day?"

"Oh you know, how you stood in front of me for five minutes completely silent and that Chess had to slap you to make you talk." I laugh.

"That is so not how it happened." He growled.

"Oh yes it was," I teased before pecking a kiss on his lips, "and I still think it was the cutest thing ever."

"I'm not cute. I'm rugged and mysterious." He informs me as he rolls over on top of me tickling me.

"You are definitely cute!" I squeal as I try to push him off.

Within seconds he's kissing me. Everything around us seems to disappear as we melt into each other. His strong arms wrap around me as I tangle my hands through his hair and wrap my legs around him. This felt so right. "I could do this forever." I thought to myself right before my phone rings.

"Don't answer it." He says as he kisses my neck.

"I gotta." I sigh as I reach over to grab my phone. "Hello?"

"Gahhh, nooo." He grumbles as he rolls over off of me.

"You're going to be late, aren't you? No, don't even answer that." My best friend CJ groans on the other side of the phone. "This is like the sixth time this month. You owe me and Joan says to bring her a pack of cigs."

" I couldn't help it this time," I whine, "you know how terrible my sleeping habits are."

"No, but I definitely know how your sex habits are. Tell Nash that I said hi." She laughs before hanging up.

Nash jumps up and stretches out his hand to pull me out of bed. It was time for both of us to get ready for the day. Quickly, he throws on his clothes without a second thought about how he looked. Which he didn't need to think about because he was naturally handsome. I stood there for a minute admiring my Tarzan like beau with my mouth slightly ajar. "You had your chance at all this miss woman," he gestures to him self, " but you decided that work was more important."

"Oh, be quiet." I laugh as I shimmy my work uniform up over my shoulders.

"I'll see you later, babe." He smiles as he kissed me and heads out.

Hurriedly, I throw my hair into a messy bun and slip on my Keds before I head out for the day.

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