Chapter 1

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Serena's POV

I woke up to a pale white room. Whilst I was looking around I noticed a strange man in black robes. I starred at him till realization hit. That was the guy that saved me back in the orphanage. To bad he wasn't awake. I sat there for a few minutes trying to figure out where I was. It looked sort of like a hospital. But why would I be in a hospital. Then it all came back, Georgia, the mysterious man, and the scar. I was to waking the mysterious man but right as I was gonna poke him a women came out of another room.

"Oh I didn't realize you had woken", said the women. "Oh my goodness I have forgotten the introduce myself I am Madame pomfrey". "Oh hello nice to meet you ma'am". "If you don't mind me asking where am I?".

"You are in the hospital wing at Hogwarts but don't worry because as soon as we're done you can be sorted with professor Dumbledore". "What's a sorting? Who is Dumbledore? What am I doing here and who's that guy?" I asked pointing to the man who was still sleeping. "Well sweetie I'll just let him answer those questions". She said before telling the man to wake up sharply. He awoke with a start as Madame pomfrey worked her way to the other side of the room.

Hey guys I just wanted to say that this is my first ever fanfic and I am so exited for the future with this story ! Let me know if you have any ideas for this story or have been enjoying it!😆


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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2016 ⏰

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