One; Someone in the distance

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A/n : This is my first " Jeff the killer " fanfic. I always believe everyone is entitled to there own opinion but please no hate comments. So if you don't like it, don't read it. So I hope you enjoy my fanfic.
Disclaimer ; I do not own the character "Jeff the killer" or any of the creepy pasta characters. They're owned by creepy pasta himself.

As my friend Gabby and I stood on the sidewalk, in front of the gateway to an old construction sight, I couldn't help but shiver to the cold autumn breeze. I knew I should've worn a coat or at least a sweater. It was dark out and barely anyone was out on the streets. Just your common homeless guys trying to find a place to sleep. So street lamps were broken so it gave that really creepy atmosphere.
She was trying to convince me to take a shortcut to my house since we were over an hour late. I kept saying, no, but she kept pushing

"Come on Leah! This is so much shorter than the path we usually take!" My friend gabby argued. Grabbing my hand and dragging my towards a fenced up construction site. I knew it was abandon due to a murder that happened over a year ago. I'm pretty sure it said they found the body with 37 stab wounds in the neck, chest, and stomach.

" I don't know... There's something off about this place..." I argued back. Another breeze blew past us making me shivering once more, rubbing the goosebumps on my arm with my left hand, trying to warm up.

" It's just an abandoned construction site. "She said with a smile. Letting go of my hand and started climbing the fenced gate.

"And why do you think that is? " I said standing my ground, crossing my arms.

" Oh who cares?" She said sarcastically and she reached the top, than jumping down to the other side. After dusting herself off she turned back to me, sighing out of annoyance. " Come on! " She yelled / whispered as if we'd get caught. Than waving me to come to her.

I signed and gave in. We were already late enough as it is. I walked up to the fence giving her my usual glare.

" Fine...." I said with a groan and started to climb the fence myself.

I swing my legs over the top preparing to jump down when apart of my pants, making me lose my balance. " Woah! " I yelled before I landed on the ground in front of Gabby, face first. I herd Gabby laughing at me as I push myself off the ground. " Nice to see how concerned you are! " I say sarcastically to her as I stand while brushing off my shirt and pants. I wipe the dirt off my face with my hand. Than looked at the side of my jeans that got snagged on the fence. I noticed a small tear and groaned.

I herd Gabby sigh " What now! " She said rolling her eyes with her hands on her hips.

" My good jeans are ripped! " I complained. Pointing towards the rip. She glanced down at the tear in my jeans than her eyes met mine. I could see the ' really ' look in her eyes. " They're $45 jeans from stitch's! They weren't cheap! Unlike you I like to keep my clothes in good condition! " I complained again, crossing my arms in annoyance.

" Come on cry baby I'll 'stitch' it up for you when we get to your house. " She said rolling her eyes and started walking away without me. I speed walked to catch up to her, not wanting to be left alone in such a creepy place.

As we walked past the old, rusty machines, and the metal outlining of the building they were going to build. I was looking around hoping no one would catch us. However, Gabby was talking so much, with her usual babbling, I was surprised the police weren't here.
I had a strange feeling that someone was watching us. You know that feeling where the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. I glance behind me and saw a stack of metal beams beside a shabby looking trailer. I turn back to Gabby, nodding and pretending I'm interested in what she's saying.
" I mean who the hell does that bitch think she is! As if she could beat my ass with that tiny frame of hers! " Gabby babbled.

" Uhhu. Yeah..." I say in response. I didn't really care what Gabby thought about a girl who just so happened to like her boyfriend. I can't even remember her name.

I heard footsteps running past us in the distance. I stopped and looked to where the small noise came from. I squint in the dark trying to see in the dark. However, it was no use I couldn't see past the shadows the machines gave off. I sighed and figured it was my imagination and speed walked again to catch up to Gabby.

"What were you doing? I was talking to you than turned to see you weren't there. You know how embarrassing it is to see that you're talking to yourself! " Gabby complained.

" Sorry I thought I heard something! " I said in defence.

" You HEARD something? Like what a ghost? " She asked me sarcastically while rolling her eyes.

" I don't know! You don't have to make fun of me! We aren't even suppose to be here! " I yelled crossing my arms, and walking faster just to pass her. I just wanted to get out of this creepy place.

" You don't need to bite my head off! " Gabby yelled behind me, trying to catch up to me.
I stopped and sighed. I turned back towards her about to apologize when I felt  suddenly a huge gust of wind blew so hard. I tried to keep my long, black, hair out of my eyes when I thought I heard a small laughter in the distance with a Loud a screeching noise like a rusty wing singing forward only louder. I looked up to see that the hook from the Crane came loose and was head right for us. I turned to Gabby who stood there in shock.

" Look out!!! " I screamed. As the large metal hook swung towards us.

We both seemed to ducked just in time. I sighed in relief but I heard a loud bang and Gabby screeched. I looked up to see the hook hit a large piece of sheet metal sheet that was placed on one of the high beams. It was heading straight for Gabby. I ran towards her and pushed her out of the way. But not enough time for me. I looked up at the sheet of metal that was hurtling towards me. I had no time to get out of the way. I opened my mouth to scream but the sheet metal stuck me in the mouth, pinning me to the ground. It hurt so much and I tasted blood. I could feel my face stinging in pain from the rust on the sheet metal. I was sure I was going to die. I could feel my tears, stream to my ears.

I looked over to the crane with my eyes and saw some figure standing on the top with a menacing smile. I couldn't see the eyes. I was trying to figure out if the figure was a girl or a boy when my vision became blurry.

I could make out Gabby crawling up to me on her hands and knees, tears streaming down her face from her big hazel eyes, trying to talk to me threw sobs but I couldn't hear her.
I could see her dark brown hair hang in front of her face. She brushed the one side behind her ear still trying to talk to me. I tried to make out what she was saying, but I was terrible at lip reading.

I tried to look back at the figure threw my blurry vision but it was gone. I looked at Gabby once more pulling out, from when it looked like, her phone. I gagged a little on my own blood. I tried to move my hand over to her but I was out of strength. It felt like my body weighed 1000 pounds. I felt so tired and dizzy. I just wanted to sleep. I stared At the sky thinking how beautiful the stairs were. Than I slowly closed my eyes. Letting the darkness take me.

A/N: The chapter is the same. I only fixed the spelling.

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