My Hopes and Dreams (Minus the Hopes)

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I was in a room full of cats and whenever they walked under furniture they exploded


There was this big house full of trampolines C(my brother) and another guy were there sneezing into some tubes that were connected to a bathtub. Then, they took the "stuff" out of the bathtub and made it into a pizza. Nobody ate the pizza


C(brother again!) jumped off a diving board and hit the water. He sunk for a bit before floating back up. Someone pulled him out of the water and everyone at the pool crowded around him. Some lady ,who at least looked as if she knew what she was doing, grabbed his wrist and then broke it(thanks a lot lady). Someone called an ambulance and dragged C to the entrance of the pool. Also at the entrance was me, my other brother(E), and some chick we didn't know. We just ignored the unconscious and broken C and discussed how E had such perfect skin(which he does).


NCIS was at this beach doing their detective thing. It was cool for a while but then they just left(I don't really know why they were there to begin with). Then, E(other brother) and I went on a cruise ship. I wasn't on for long before I fell off. E, being the brother he is, ignored my cries for help and continued to "get down" on the cruse ship's party deck. So I swam to shore and wrapped myself in a towel. I sprawled on the beach for a bit before having to pee. But, I was already very comfortable so, I just dragged by body across the beach to the nearest hotel. It was a very large, fancy hotel with freshly waxed linoliem floors. So, while I dragged myself across it to the restroom, it made a very, very loud squeaking sound. A sound that everyone in the room stopped and stared at. When I finally made it to the restroom I realised it was the men's room so I had to turn myself around and drag my body all the way across to the other side of the hotel, everyone continuing to stare. When I reached the restroom I encountered my 6th grade gym teacher, who appeared to crying.

Then I wake up, I never got to the restroom


It was "bring your spandex-dressed parent to school day" and I brought my dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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