The Man With The Dark Green Eyes

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Hello, this is my first story on Wattpad i hope u like it and enjoy Vote and Comment if u enjoy.

WARNING: As the story progresses there will be violence and mature content.

Hi im Ezabelle, it seemed weird to write a story about, well me. Then the few people I became close with on my journey told me a should. So lets go back…. Back to December.

Chapter 1: December

As I walk down the street I have Hollywood undead playing in my headphones. I stop for a moment to watch the snow fall on my small gray gloves and continue on.  As I stop at the cross walk and watch the cars pass. One passes with the man in it, the man with the fuzzy black hair. The man with the dark green, watching eyes.  I’ve seen him in his black Volvo watching circling me for the last couple weeks but, my thoughts were interrupted by a beeping car telling me to cross.

 As I waited under the apple tree for my best friends Alison and Alex I take out my sketch book. I sketched my thoughts they were represented by to eyes with x’s through them. Then a blue car pulls up. The door of the car swings open and shut and my friend Alex jumps out and runs over to me, she greets me with a hug. She quickly asked me the question I get a lot “whats wrong” like normal I reply with “nothing”.

Alex is my blonde friend, she’s always smiling. She’s that friend that listens to the loud music and doesn’t care what people think about her also, she’s gorgeous, stunning, and beautiful. We quickly made our way down to the football field chatting about random things. Then we arrived at the football field to see Alison laying in the snow waiting. Alison is a dark brown haired 14 year old like me only her hair is straight as paper. She’s bullied the most and paints her feelings on her wrist, her paintbrush is a blade, her color blood red. We lay in the snow and gossiped about normal teenage girl stuff for hours. At about 7 we all went home , I got a shower checked facebook and went to bed.

Today was Christmas eve, a day were I go to families houses, eat, and collect my gifts. Don’t get me wrong I love Christmas time, but I'm atheist so you get it. First it was my grandparents, then to my uncles, this is my favorite. I got new sketch books and pencils. Some people would consider me as an artist I guess I'm ok although, most of the time although I'm texting Zach my best friend since 6 grade. I guess I was sorta shy and ugly then. Now I'm considered at one of the prettiest people in my grade and I never stop talking to new people.

Christmas is boring……. More presents, more hugs, more food, more family. It was the week after Christmas and school was back in the jockeys bragging, me getting straight A’s and the popular girls disturbing class every 2 minutes. School was, well never for me but its normal as in what everyone else does so I stay. I would much rather be out in the world working, drawing, falling for some guy at the bar. Anyways after school  I hung out with my 7th grade friend Daniella. Daniella has black extra curly hair, she’s the tomboy of our group. She is the one that rarely falls in love and when she does it’s a big thing. To know everything about her and her problems she has to really trust you. Well I guess she trusts me because I know a lot about her. Shes the friend I trust the most. We were sitting on a bench when she said “you seem worried like something is bothering you.”

I said, “it's nothing”

“tell me”

“ it’s the man again the one with the dark green eyes. I've seen him passing me, watching me 4 times in the last week it’s like he follows me. Let’s change subject”

“you sure”


For the next couple hours she didn’t bring it up. We walked around Lukesville  she seemed more worried than me. Then all sudden him I froze in my place Daniella was shaking me as I stared at him he was across the street watching us behind a building. Daniella’s pupils got small as she spotted him, she pulled me faster than I’ve ever been pulled. We ran almost a mile straight to towns square. Lucky for us Lukesville is only about 2 miles long. I called and had my dad pick us up neither of us said anything as he dropped her off.

For the next couple of week id see him at least once a day. Sometimes he would yell at me, even pull over next to me and a friend then we would run. I was scared I knew he wanted me though so I didn’t want him hurting one of my friends. My friends would ask, and id just say “I don’t know”, or “its nothing”. They knew what I said wasn’t true but they never asked more. I guess they know me and how I get ticked off easily.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2013 ⏰

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