1 - All about Annie...

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'And at ten we have our regular hit slot, Agony Annie - here to give you answers to your dilemmas, provide direction and generally offer advice on all your problems. So don't forget to tune in then to your favourite radio station Fresh 102.7 FM.'

That was me, Agony Annie or just plain old Annie Sloane to all that knew me. I waited to host my slot on Fresh. Personally, I was amazed at my success. I had been faced with cheating partners, family feuds, jealous exes and much stranger tales of woe. As funny and as wacky as they could be there had also been my fair share of calls which told stories of loss, grief and heartache. However, this was my job - just part of being Agony Annie.

Sometimes, just sometimes it led me into tricky situations, situations I never thought I'd be in.

I had been nicknamed Agony Annie by my oldest and dearest friends from a young age. I was always there to lend a listening ear for a problem or two. All my friends growing up seemed to think, for whatever reason that I had the perfect solution to their problems. If only I could take and act upon my own advice sometimes.

I was 29 years old, long brown hair with natural soft curl and approximately 145 lbs, OK fine 150 - so I could do with losing 10 lbs so what?!

Single and fast approaching thirty had me a little nervous. Particularly since my friend Louisa insists on telling me how lucky she was to find 'Doug' (who is a total douche bag B.T.W), as she is also nearly thirty and doesn't want to be left on the shelf.

Envisioning this 'shelf' she talks about, the way she talks about it I imagine it to be a somber and lonely place. Think Toy Story and Woody when Buzz Lightyear comes along, yep that sad and lonely!

With a bag full to the brim of failed relationships behind me I was concerned that shelf was getting closer to my reality by the minute, so much so I could hear Little Bo Peep calling.

That bag contained exes like Joe. Joe was emotionally unavailable but could be relied upon to show any blonde a good time. Or Shay - young, gorgeous and says all the right things. Except when he failed to mention, he has a penchant for threesomes. That was not the valentines surprise I was expecting to receive one year, needless to say by 15th February that same year I was single once again!

Then, of course, there was Kent who I swore was a keeper. Polite, great manners and handsome. Not to mention thoughtful, great in bed and married!

It didn't end well. So heart broken and sworn off men for a while I decided to focus on other people's problems.

Thankful my job as Agony Annie was an anonymous position; it meant only my family and close friends were aware of my identity.

My anonymity had worked well for me so far. The wisest thing my mother ever said to me was 'Annie if it ain't broke, don't fix it.' So far this had proved to be a good philosophy for me, so I followed it.

As far as Louisa was concerned and her advice well...

If 'Dougs' were the best thing on offer, I was quite sure the shelf would suit me fine if it came to it.

'Hello and Good Morning you are through to Agony Annie how can I help you today?'

My first caller of the day, I was hoping I would be eased in gently today.

'Morning Annie, the problem is my boss - he is a sexist pig. He keeps joking in the office about how women don't belong in the workplace and making jokes that are offensive.'

I scoffed to myself; this guy must be Doug's best friend I thought.

'This is bad enough' she continued 'but when we are anywhere alone, which I try and avoid.He makes unwanted advances. I have told him to stop, but he doesn't shall I just quit my job, Annie?'

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