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Dick and Bruce were sitting in the living room watching one of the Sherlock Holmes movies starring Robert Downey Jr. Bruce and Dick loved watching the Sherlock Holmes movies. The first time they watched it together, they figured everything out easily. Now they just watched it for the entertainment.

Bruce was glad that in the past three months, Dick had forgiven him, and all but forgotten the whole event, although he had noticed that Dick tensed up whenever they went in the direction of the orphanage, but Bruce couldn't blame him. It may be quite a while before he gets over that.

What the two didn't realize though, was that someone was watching them.

Outside the manor, a guy watched from the window as Dick stood up and acted like he was fighting the bad guy on TV with a big grin on his face, while Bruce just smiled. "That little brat. How could he be so happy with Wayne? The guy put him in the orphanage for petes sake. I took him in and treated him like my own son, and how did the little brat repay me, by running away and sending the comps after me for abuse. What i did to him was not abuse. He needed to learn to obey and to things quickly. I was only giving him lessons like my father gave to me." He glared at the two on the couch. "He made me leave my home, my friends, and my town, and then on top of all that, Sarah decides that she doesn't like the way I live and leaves. All that just because he didn't think i was a good father."

He continued to watch Dick and Bruce's interactions in anger. He was actually very jealous of Dick's life, but he would never admit it. As a child, his father would come home drunk and beat him all the time, claiming he was teaching him a lesson.

He now saw Dick run around the room as Bruce chased him, both laughing and having a good time. "My dad never did any of that with me. Why should he deserve a better life than me?" He narrowed his eyes again. "That little brat will pay for ruining my life." With that the man turned around and walked back to his car.


So here is the first chapter of the last part of the Can I? trilogy. Hope you'll stay with it 'til the very end.

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Thanks for reading :D

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