The Breakup

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Derek sat in his room thinking about the text he had just received. Mitty had just texted him saying he was coming over and stating that he wasn't going to take no for an answer.

'Why would he want to come over now? Wasn't he going to hang out with Olivia tonight?' He thought.

Derek tapped his pencil against the side of his face, and tried to figure out what the cause of Mitty coming over was. Yet he didn't have much time to think before his doorbell chimed and there was a knock on the door. Derek stood and walked over to the door wondering what Mitty's expression was going to be. He opened the door and automatically had a face full of surprise as he stared at Mitty who had tears running down his face.

'Mitty is crying? He never cries,' Derek thought before speaking aloud, "Uh. Come on in," he said as he stepped to the side.

Mitty slowly entered and rubbed at his eyes. Derek motioned towards the couch and they both walked over and sat down. Derek did a quick look-over on Mitty and quickly noticed a few things.
1. Mitty had a hand print on the side of his face.
2. He was dressed in clothes nicer then usual.
3. Mitty looked like he's been crying for at least 30 minutes.

"Dude what happened? You look like you just got dumped," Derek stated with a smile trying to lighten the mood.

But of course that didn't work.
Mitty began to cry harder before nodding his head.

"I did. I did get dumped," Mitty whimpered.

Derek sat there in complete shock before unfreezing himself and saying, "What'd she say?"

Mitty responded with a sniffle before turning to look at Derek fully.

"S-she said that I wasn't taking our relationship seriously, and that she thought it would be better if we started seeing different people," Mitty said.

Derek winced at the words and rubbed his neck.

'You weren't taking it seriously,' he thought.

Mitty continued to cry and Derek realized that he wasn't going to get over this anytime soon. He sighed and got up. Mitty looked up at him with a mix of anger, confusion, and sadness in his eyes.

"W-where are you going?" He asked.

Derek held his hands up in front of himself and said, "I'm not leaving. I'm just going to get a blanket and possibly a movie."

Mitty sniffled and nodded with a somewhat pleased expression on his face. Derek walked to his room and began to look for a blanket and movie.

'Ah-HA Spider-man. Mitty loves this movie,' He thought as he picked it up and held it under his arm.

Derek then picked up a blanket on his bedroom floor and headed back to the living room. When he got back Mitty had seemed to have calmed down some and ceased his crying. Derek walked over to the tv and put the movie in before throwing the blanket over Mitty and crawling under it himself. Spider-man began and their attention both went to the screen. That was until Mitty decided to lean on Derek's shoulder, completely turning his attention from the movie to Mitty. Derek looked for an explanation, but wasn't given one so he stayed quiet and simply enjoyed the warmth. The movie continued on throughout the night and when it came to a stop neither one of the boys noticed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2016 ⏰

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