Flint Rivera

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Perhaps it was her amazing smile that stood out most to me. Maybe even her lovely eyes that seemed to hold the secrets of the universe. Whoever she was she was never going to leave my mind. She's a stranger to me, and I don't even remeber the last time I saw her. Yet she's always on my mind. The only way I can get rid of her is by drinking her away.

I'm a regular at the Shady Bar. Yes it's really called the shady bar, I guess that would scare normal people away, but I'm not normal. I have a drink every Friday night at exactly 11pm. Hell the bar tender always has a nice liquor just waiting for me. I'm not an alcoholic but I do drink alot. I can quit anytime I want, but I dont want to quit. Not as long as she's on my mind.
Luckily my best and only friend Jared makes sure I make it home. Without him I know I'd drink so much I wouldn't even remeber my own name. That's what I would love to do, but he makes sure it doesn't happen I swear he's a party proper sometimes. Not like there's much of a party with me in the first place.

Ok let me be perfectly honest with you. I'm not really sure who I am. I can't remeber anything past my 23rd birthday. I'm 24 right now in case your wondering, so that goes to show I don't remeber much. All I know is I'm an account for the Bank of America. That means I get a shitty office job at giant skyscraper. The pay is good for doing nothing though. Plus I always get an extra check addressed to my name "Flint Rivera" from a person by the name of "G. A. Eisenhower". There's never a sender address listed. Just a nice $500 check every week. I'm not complaining either, I love free stuff.

Anyway I ask for my red wine (which is usually my fifth drink) at the Shady Bar when in walks Jared right on cue.
"What are you doing here? You know you had an appointment with Dr. Steamwells." He scolds at me. I slap my hand against my face.
"Oh my God you act like I even care. You know I hate him!" I yell back
"Hate him or not your gonna go see him. Clearly the pulls he prescribed you Arnt working." Replies Jared
"Who are you tell me how to live my life?!" I yell
"Suck it" he says. That's what I love about Jared. He's straight forward and to the point. Besides it's not like I really hate doctor Steamwells, he's the best in town. I just hate all the medications and constant check ups. It's so annoying. I get in Jared car and he drives me to the good doctor.

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