Learning To Be Alone

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I sat up in my bed at 3:00 A.M worried for the day that awaits me. We are going back to school and now I'm in high school, but it will be different than middle school for me for a reasons; Reason: My only friend Hamara moved to Washington and I'm stuck in California, all alone with no friends. I am not used to being alone, I usually have a group of friends around me but, they weren't my friends, they were Halie's and now she's gone so they have no reason to hang around me anymore. I keep worrying about classes, grades, teachers, assignments, and people. Well to tell you the truth I'm not that sad I'm alone, I'm what you call the anti-social type, I'm the quiet girl in class who goes one Tumblr and makes fun of my classmates, the one who writes an reads fanfics, the girl whose life belongs to a computer.

_______ 4:00 A.M_______

Well I might as well get ready I have to be on campus by 7:00. As I hop into the shower I think about how it will go. Will I be ignored, stared at, or will I be seen as an easy target and get bullied again? I just don't know and quiet frankly, I don't want to. By the time I'm done showering , doing my hair, changing, and waking up my sister for her first day of 1st grade, it's 6:45. Around that time in middle school my old friend Laura (who had been my first friend in the new town but is not my friend {i guess?} anymore) would have been here by now. As I tell my Mom, Step-Dad, little brother and sister good-bye, I prepare my self for what lies ahead. On my walk to school I usually think of facts to calm me "I am a freshman in high school, I am 14 years old, my name is Annie Vargas, and I have to learn to be alone.


Disclaimer: I do not own Tumblr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2013 ⏰

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