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First Name - Jenna

Middle name - Maria

Last name - you'll find out later

Clothes - black skin tight half shirt, shows off abs, dark blue jeans with knee high boots with a 1/2 heel, always has flaming red hair with black tips in a high ponytail, black leather jacket

Accessories - piercings on right ear, has Bowie knife inside her right boot on its holder, has a dragon tattoo on right shoulder to elbow and has a necklace that has a basic all line through star inside a circle  

Likes - Duncan, Gwen, Bridgette, DJ, Beth, Owen, Lashawna, Geoff, Trent, Eva

Hates - Harold, Heather, Lindsey, Courtney, Chris, Tyler, Ezekial, Cody, Sadie, Katie, Izzy, Justin, being called a delinquent

Talents - singing, black belt, knows how to handle a gun, not afraid of Chef Hatchet, cooking, lifting up really heavy things

Fears - herself, loosing the last member in her family, exposing her secrets

Personality - sweet when she wants to be, mean when someone hurts her friends, super big dare devil

What she has done - been to Juvie about 15 times, wrestled a shark and a alligator, won against the hardest boxer in the world

Backstory - lost almost her entire family at the age of 7 including her left arm and right leg.

Picture above

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