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Just a little something I made a while ago, waiting for a decision to put it on. I am not sure if you guys will like it, but here you go, my lovely readers!

Point of View: Third Person

Reyna Ramírez-Arellano sits on the beach, looking out to sea, thinking about the man she fell in love with. Perseus Jackson. She sighs and hugs her knees to her chest. 

"Funny, I never thought I'd see you here." A familiar voice comes to Reyna's ears. She turns in shock to see the man she is moping about. Percy. He glances at her and then watches the sea. "May I join you?" He asks softly.

Reyna nods, dumbstruck. She looks at his natural tanned skin, his tall and lean frame that deceives people about the muscle he carries, his beautiful sea green eyes, his jet black hair that makes them stand out, and his gentle smile, the one that promises kindness and love and warmth. She fell harder for him than she did for Jason. It's no wonder why.

He settles down next to her, but gives her, her space. He leans on the arm farthest from her and his eyes scan the horizon before looking at her. He smiles at her. "So, what's a woman like you doing out in the middle of nowhere in a place like this? Abandoned beach, forgotten, no signs of any life, nor any travel of how you got here. Not even footprints. This is the place where I come to think, Reyna. A perk of being a son of Poseidon is, you can always find land. I found this a little while ago. Long before the wars. I just never told anybody. Snuck out after lights out. But what draws you here? Hmm? The quiet? The serenity? The way it makes you feel at home? A safe haven? No pollution?"

"You." She blurts out and then claps her hand over her mouth.

Percy smiles softly. "Me? I hardly ever cause people to come to the domain of my origin. Not unless I broke their hearts." The wind sways through their hair, Reyna staring at Percy in surprise. The way he said it, like he knows.

"I am well aware that I broke your heart, Reyna. But I wasn't the first one to break it. Jason Grace, now he is a piece of work, that guy. And I am sorry about my role in your shattered heart. Being near the sea with you, it's hard not to feel it. I'm a little different than others of my bloodline. I actually care about what I do and those around me. I'm not greedy like they were. Go ahead, scream at me all you want. It won't bother me. You could even cry and I wouldn't judge you." He tells her.

"Percy, why are you here?" Reyna asks.

"To think, as per usual." Percy shrugs, his other arm slinging over one of his knees.

"About?" Reyna prompts.

"Love." Percy sighs and looks over at her. "Just as you are."

"Annabeth." Reyna mutters bitterly.

Percy just smiles a little. "Yes, Annabeth. Oh how will the world turn without her?" He chuckles and she looks at him.

"She isn't dead, is she?" Reyna asks, terrified and guilty.

Percy shakes his head as he bursts out laughing. He calms down enough to answer, the bright look on his face. "No, she's not dead. Don't worry. I was talking about my world. It was the sarcasm of a love drunk fool."

Reyna nods. "Oh." She says. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, we have our differences but I know the real reason. I could see it in her eyes. She broke up with me out of fear of what I was able to do to Misery down in the Pit." Percy replies.

Reyna freezes. Percy, Annabeth, and Nico never talk about their time in Tartarus. Does Percy really trust her so much? Can she still love him? Annabeth is gone. Maybe she has a chance. She just needs to find the chance to ask. Looking at him now, he seems so peaceful. It feels so wrong to disturb him.

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