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*Please let me know how I did, if I got something wrong. I did change it a bit. Thanks for reading!*
The low rumble of the Jawa's ship was getting closer.
Cinder stepped out of the doorway of her house and squinted.
She could see the approaching Jawa ship

"Adri! They're here" she shouted at her step mom

Adri looked outisde and groaned "Pearl!" She called to Cinder's step sister "were going to look at andriods"

"Oh goody!" Pearl said with sarcasm walking towards Cinder and her mother
She stumbled over a small sand hill and sand flew into her boots

"Eeeek I got sand in my shoe!" She squealed taking her shoe off
Pearl dumped the sand out of her shoe, lossed her balance, and toppled over.

Cinder snickered and Adri glared at her.

It was ovbious Pearl hated the sand. Adri disliked it as well but they couldn't afford a ship to fly them somewhere else. So they were stuck on Tatooine

The Jawas got out of their ship and begun to display all the andriods they'd collected.

"We'll get this one and this one" Adri said pointing at a silver CP unit and a light pink R2 unit.

As Adri payed for it Pearl pressed the button on the R2 unit that had the word "Start" engraves
The R2 unit started but sputtered and sparks flew out of it's wheels. Then it exploded.

Pearls eyes widened and innocently smiled

The Jawas gasped in horror

Adri demanded her money back.

The jawas agreed partially mad at her

"Well" Adri started "We'll only take the one-"

"Wait!" Cinder interrupted "Can we get this one?" She said pointing at a gold CP unit with what looked like blue braids.

The Jawas explained that the CP unit was missing a wire and was in bad condition

"Its digusting." Adri said "They even say so" she said pointing at the Jawas

Cinder rolled her eyes "Ill fix the wire and clean it up"

"Well do you have any money? I pay for almost everything." Adri replied scowling at the CP unit

Cinder rolled her eyes again. That was a lie. She paid for almost everything.
She hanged the jawas the coins and she hauled the android to her room.

She turned the andriod on.
In a monotone voice it said "Wire K43 is missing in my left arm. I Will proceed to shut down until wire K43 is there."
Cinder searched her box of wires untill she found an K43.

Carefully opening the left arm she placed the wire and the andriod came to life.

"Hello. I am CP-32." It said in a feminine voice.

"Hello." Cinder said grabbing a wet towel to clean it." I'm Cinder."

"Hello." The andriod paused "personally I would like a different name."

Cinder dropped the towel.

"Ermmm ok...How about Iko." Cinder said.
Andriods didn't ever request a new name. There must be a personality chip inside.

She walked back into her room and picked up her component scanner.
She scanned Iko and found the personality chip.

Conder entered the code and the programmed personality was nothing she'd ever seen programmed before. It was extremely like a human.
"Ewww." Iko fussed "Im not wearing any clothes."

"Your an android" Cinder mumbled.

As she cleaned Iko the second CP unit walked in.

"Stars is that you Peony?!" Iko asked

"Peony?" Cinder asked
Who says stars and why is she calling the second CP unit Peony?

"Iko! Wow its been a long time." Peony said.

Cinder stood in silence confused at the androids behavior.

"Well" Iko said "Could you please get us some clothes this is rather embarrasing."

"Well what would you like to wear?."

"I'd like a nice top and shorts." Peony said

"Me too!" Iko said.

Cinder peeked into Pearls room. It was empty.
She tiptoed in opened the drawers and pulled out a few pairs of shorts and tops.

"What are you doing?"

Cinder froze. She looked back only to see Pearl talking to the androids who were spinning around.
Cinder ran to the bathroom and stayed there untill she heard Pearl's footsteps going back to the kitchen.
She opened the door and walked back to her room.

"Ooh yay!" Exclaimed Iko when she stopped spinning.

Iko and Peony grabbed at the clothes but Cinder held them back.

"You will wear them tomarrow when we leave." Cinder said

"But why are we leaving?" Asked Peony

"Because I don't like it here. Could you guys help me pack some stuff?" Said Cinder

"Sure." Iko and Peony said in unison

As Peony and Iko were helping put some of Cinder's possessions in boxes Peony tripped and a hologram message appeared.

"Obi Wan we're in some trouble....the Storm Troopers know I have the Death Star plans. I've hidden them in one of the secret compartments in this android. Help me Obi Wan Kanobi." Said the hologram person.

"Is that Prince Kaito of Alderan?" Cinder said studying the person in the message

"It is!" Swooned Iko.

"Then we defiantly have to leave tomarrow. To find Obi Wan."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2016 ⏰

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