The Unwanted

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Ahren's P.O.V

I hear the bell go for lunch and I make my way out of the boring classroom. The crowd submerges me and I eventually find my mates. We turn left into a calm alleyway, on our way to our spot, and that's when I see it in the clearing up ahead. Not again.

There is a group of buff, athletic guys with school jumpers surrounding this normal looking guy with a too big shirt. The big guys take his school bag and tip the contents onto the ground. In the middle the guy with the big shirt has thick, black rim glasses and the gang take advantage of that. The leader grabs the glasses off his face and crushes them with the heel of his shoes. The rest of the gang laughs in the guy's face. He seems to be taking it for no reason. I see him slightly sigh and the leader sees it to. He punches the guy in the face. The boy stands there like nothing happened and the gang storms off.

I shake my head and hesitantly and walk away trying to pretend that I didn't see what I did. I would have tried to help if we weren't so outnumbered. Next period I ask to go to the toilet but I go and pick up the badly smashed glasses off the pavement.

The whole day I think about the guy and I wonder if he is okay because he took a pretty hard blow today. He puts up with that every day and I don't know why he hasn't fought back at all. He probably has a good reason behind it but it just amazes me how calm he always is when it happens. He is very quiet anyway. He never speaks in class or anything like that anyway. I feel sorry for him.

The last two periods fly by and before we know it it's time to go home. I walk to the repair shop to get the glasses fixed and they say it will be ready by tomorrow morning. When I get home I grab some food from the cupboard, chuck my bag by the front door and go to my room. Spiff, my grey tortoise shell cat, is lying on my bed as always. I sit down next to him and pat him. He is so fluffy, I love it. I grab my bass off its stand and play a few riffs. Stuff this. I put it back and decide to go for a walk.

"Hey, hey Mum," I call out from my doorway.

"Yes?" I hear her call back and I think it is coming from the laundry.

"I'm going for a walk around the block, okay?" I can hear the washing machine going so I walk in. She looks to me.

"Okay but be back before dark," I roll my eyes at her. She worries too much about me.

"Its only around the block Mum. I will be fine."

"But what if you get hurt?"

"Mum I'm 17 I will be okay. I swear," I walk out before she can protest anymore.

As I walk I turn into a street and I can see a figure sitting in the gutter, head down, doing something but I don't know exactly what it is. When I get closer I notice it's the guy from lunch.

I slowly walk up and sit down beside him. He is writing a song. I can tell from the structure. I peer over his shoulder and see that it's called 'A Sleepless Winter' and that's all I can really read because it's a bit messy. I assume that's because he doesn't have his glasses. He has stopped writing and is staring at the ground in front of him.

"Hey, um, I saw what happened today. Are you alright?" I sit looking at him, waiting for an answer. He turns and looks at me. It seems like he is about to say something but he gets up and walks into his house. Hmmm weird. I sigh and rest my head in my hands. I sit there and rub my arms because it is getting a little cold.

Joel's P.O.V

Out of the corner of my eye I see a person walking towards me. I wearily look up then look back down to not get this guy's attention. I keep writing down lyrics and thinking of words that work well together. While running my hand through my shaggy brown hair I see the person sit next to me. He is wearing converse, black skinny jeans, black singlet and a blue flat cap on backwards. I know who he is. His only good subject is music, he has a few close friends, he is a killer at dodge ball and he is also the same guy that walked right past me today when I needed help. I stop writing and let him finish studying me.

"Hey, um, I saw what happened today. Are you alright?" He seems generally concerned so I turn and look him in the eye. I see that there are goose bumps forming on his arms. Shutting my book, I walk into my house and to up to my room. I go to the closet and grab out a green zip up hoodie. Looking out my window I see he is still sitting on the gutter with his head in his hands. I run down the stairs, nearly tripping over once or twice. When I open the door he turns to look at me. He smiles a half smile at me and I hand him the jumper.

"Thanks man. It was getting a bit cold out," he puts it on, zips it up and puts the hood over his hat.

"It's okay," I sit there not looking at him or anything in particular. I don't really want to talk much so I will let him talks if he wants.

"Was that a song you were writing before?"

"Yeah I guess but I don't really have a beat or anything yet." I shrug it off not caring what we talk about but kinda glad that its music.

"What do you do? Sing, strum or play drums?" He is looking at me really intently and I laugh a little bit.

"Well I growl more than sing but you know," his eyes are sparkling wildly. This guy is crazy.

"So kinda like this right?" He looks away from me, clears his throat and lets out a beastly growl that I didn't really expect from him. After he is done I chuckle slightly and stare at him, amused.

"That is what you mean right?"

"Hell yeah. That was so good." His chocolate brown eyes look at me humbly.

"Nah I need to practice a bit more because my voice cracks sometimes."

"It's better than me," I look away, ashamed more than anything.

"Let me be the judge of that. Show me what you've got." I am a little resistant but he seems trustworthy and he growls anyway so it shouldn't matter. Thinking about the song I just written I sing the first verse. When I finish I hear him clapping wildly next to me.

"That was so good! It's the voice we have been looking for! Would you like to join my band? We don't have a name yet but we will come up with one soon. I think I could also write some chords to the song if you would like me to." His eyes are wide and he is practically jumping up and down on the spot. He looks like a puppy getting a new family. I can't help laughing.

"Well if it makes you that excited sure. I will go get the song." I get up and go into my house again. I grab the book from the dining room table and bring it out to him.

"Thanks man. I will probably have some chords done by tomorrow or the next day." He scans through my writing quickly.

"That's fine I don't mind at all."

"This is so good. It's just what we need. You will have to meet the guys one day. I'm sure they will love you." He looks up to the sky

"Time to go home?" I ask not really wanting him to leave just yet.

"Yeah I guess. Its nearly dark and Mum will be freaking out soon. She just worries too much. I will see you in class tomorrow." He gets up and starts to walk back the way he came when I realise I don't know his name.

"Hey!" I yell out and he turns around straight away, "I didn't catch your name," I walk towards him so he doesn't have to yell back.

"Ahren, Ahren Stringer but you can call me String if you want. Everyone else does."

"Alright. I'm Joel Birch." He nods his head. We smile and fist pump.

"See ya round Joel."

"Yeah see ya." We both turn and walk towards our houses. It's good to know that there are people like him exist on this world.


okay so this is the first chapter tell me what you think. half of the story will be facts and some are made up. if you can spot some of the truth tell me. there will be more coming soon. i will get a bit busy soon but don't worry i wont forget about this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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