Shinigami Love

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William looks at the thing in disgust. It was red and frilly, and it didn't seem at all practical. He grabs it with his scythe and exits the room to find Ronald flirting with one of the female workers.
"Knox." Ronald ends the conversation and walks over to his supervisor.
"Yes sir?"
"What is this... thing?" William asks with obvious distaste, presenting the red object.
"Umm... I believe it's Grell's makeup bag." William sighs.
"Well why is it here when Suttcliff is not?"
"She must have forgotten it. You should return it, she'll be in a really bad mood tomorrow if she doesn't have her makeup." William's eye visibly twitches.
"Would you return it to officer Suttcliff?"
"I can't, sorry. I'm busy. Overtime, remember?" William sighs.
"Fine. I suppose I will have to return it."
William knocks on the door.
"Sutcliff." There is no reply, which is strange, as usually the door would have flung open within a matter of seconds, a red thing attaching itself to him. "Suttcliff? Open up." Again there is no reply, so William sighs and opens the door. "Suttcliff?" He hears a sniffing sound and sees a ball of red on the couch. It looks over to him.
"Will? What are you doing here?" Grell quickly wipes his eyes, clearing from them the tears; however more just appear, and Grell gives up, letting the tears fall.
"Uh..." For once, William is speechless. He's unsure how to respond to the situation. After all, when you show little to no emotion, it's hard to know how to deal with people who don't. "Why are you crying?" Grell remains silent. "Suttcliff. Why are you crying?"
"I'm not," Grell argues, wiping way her tears.
"Suttcliff, it is very obvious that you are, so I will ask you once more. Why are you crying?"
"You, okay?!" Grell bursts. "I'm crying... because of you. Because of every rejection, every death threat, every time you ignore me. I'm crying because I know you don't understand how I feel for you and because you'll never love me back." William stands there, shocked. "Why can't you ever show emotion? Just once!" She sighs. "You know, it was for you. I thought that, if I changed, you might like me. You might see me in some way other than just a nuisance." William slowly bends down to Grell's height. He opens his mouth to say something, but Grell throws her arms around William, still sobbing. "I was never interested in Sebastian. I j-just though th-that I could make y-you j-jealous." William awkwardly places his hands on Grell's back.
They remained in that position for a long time, and though William's legs ached, he dealt with the pain to try stop Grell's of which he had been the cause.
The next day at work was very awkward. William avoided Grell, as usual. However, Grell was also avoiding William, and everyone in the dispatch office knew Grell well enough to know that this wasn't normal behaviour. Whenever Grell saw William, instead of fawning over the dark haired shinigami dramatically, she looked at the ground and briskly walked past.
Ronald knew something had to be done, and so he decided to take it into his own hands.
"Honestly Knox, I don't see what could be so important that you had to drag me from my office."
"You have to see it. Come on." William sighs and adjusts his glasses.
"Fine. Just hurry up, I have more important matters to attend to." Ronald runs ahead and stops at a door. As soon as William reaches the door, Ronald opens it and pushes him in, pressing his weight against the door. Now, William is an excellent Shinigami, and he's great at his job, extremely intelligent. However, he isn't exceptionally strong or heavy, and Ronald was quite easily able to keep the door closed while Eric appeared with the key and locked the door.
"I'm sorry boss, he blackmailed me!" Eric apologised. Indeed he had. Eric happened to be in love with Alan, one of his coworkers and his best friend. Everyone knew this, except for Alan. He was unaware of his best friend's attraction. Ronald had threatened to tell him if he didn't help.
"Knox open this door immediately!"
"No can do! You two need to sort this out!"
"Uh, yeah. Hi." William looked behind him and say Grell standing there.
"Did you ask him to do this?" Her eyes widen.
"No! No, he asked me to put away some books for him." William nods.
"How long is Knox going to keep up this ridiculousness?" Grell just shrugs, sliding down the wall.
"I'm sorry for what I said yesterday," Grell says quietly.
"You meant it, did you not?"
"Then you shouldn't be sorry. Never apologise for telling the truth." Grell sighs.
"Why are you always like that?"
"Like what, Sutcliffe?"
"So stiff and emotionless. I bet you have a great smile."
"Well I'm sorry, but that's just how I am."
"I know."
"I do have emotions you know. I just don't express them to everyone I meet."
"Oh. I'm sorry."
"... Grell, about yesterday... I didn't know how to react and so I have been avoiding you. I apologise, that wasn't the best course of action."
"It's fine. I've been avoiding you too."
"Grell. I find you extremely irritating sometimes. I mean-"
"It's fine Will. Go on."
"I find myself thinking of you a lot, and though it may not always be in... The best light, I know that it's different than when I think about others." William sighs "What I'm trying to say is... I think that I have feelings. For you." Grell falls silent.
"Really?" William shifts uncomfortably, nodding. "I'm not really... sure what to say." Grell stands and walks over to William. "Can I... just try something?" William nods. Grell hesitantly places a hand on William's cheek, and the dark-haired man feels an unknown sensation. Grell leans in and gently presses her lips to his. William feels tingles down his spine and kisses back. Things gradually go from gentle to heated and passionate, Grell pouring all the emotion she has from the years she spent alone and William from all the time repressing the emotions. William backs Grell into a wall, kissing her.
Meanwhile, outside, Eric and Ronald are talking.
"Can I go?" Eric pleads.
"No. You don't want me to tell him, do you?"
"No. I hate you, you know. How could you blackmail me like this? I don't want him to know that I love him. It would ruin everything." Unknown to Eric, Alan was walking past and heard them. He felt a pang of jealousy. Who was this man Eric loved? It couldn't be him. You see, although Alan was unaware of Eric's love for him, he also loved Eric. So he decided to eavesdrop on them. Ron saw him though, and decided to do Eric a favour. He knew that they both loved each other.
"Why don't you want him to know anyway?"
"Alan's my best friend. I don't want to ruin that by him finding out I love him. I would be awkward, and I don't want that," Eric answers, sounding pained.
"Eric?" He whirls around at his name and sees Alan standing there.
"A-alan, I can explain-"
"Don't bother." Alan runs to him and kisses him. Eric pulls Alan into his arms aand Ronald smiles. Once they pull away, they both blush and Eric grabs Alan's hand. Something dawns on him.
"Should we check on them? See if they're doing okay?" Ronald nods and takes the key which Eric holds out to him. He unlocks the door and takes a peek inside. He closes the door blushing.
"Oh, they're definitely doing okay!" he laughs. "That's a sight I didn't expect. Our boss is making out with Grell Sutcliffe!" He laughs, then frowns.
"Oh man, that means I'm the only one in the group not getting it!" Eric and Alan laugh.

I hope you liked this. Let me know if you think I should do anymore Black Butler oneshots. I've been thinking of doing a Sebaciel one based off a song called Gay Pirates. It's a really cute and sad song. Sebaciel forever ♥

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