How you to met (part 1)

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Scott: You were taking your daily run when suddenly someone bumped into you.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going," you said, "no it's fine," he said while you look to his chocolate brown eyes you were lost in them then he breaks the silence "I'm Scott," said as he smiled. "(Y/N)".

Stiles: New year, new school, new town, It has always been like this since you were 13 now it all changed when your mom got a permanent job at a local hospital.

"Lost again. Good job Y/N" you whispered to yourself but apparently your not the only one who heard it.

"Need some help?" Someone asked from behind you. "yeah sure" you said while turning around and saw a brown hair and brown eyes guy.

"I'm Stiles by the way" he said and smiled "(Y/n)"and then you smiled back.

Isaac: I sat down on my seat near the door and looked at the worksheet on my desk and started filling it out. I heard some whispers and looked up. I assumed that Mr.Harris did too because he started picking on two boys.

He told them to move and one walk my way to seat at the empty spot next to me

He sat and sigh before turning to me "Isaac"


Derek: I was visiting my friend Cora she said she found his brother when she was in Beacon Hills

I knock at the address  that she gave me than some guy with green eyes and black hair open the loft "can I help u?" he asked and not losing eye contact "yeah does Cora live here "I asked "yeah she's in her room"he said "thanks and I'm (Y/N) Cora's friend "I said "Derek Cora's brother"

Aiden: the woods were creepy at night I knew that. you knew that,  since you ever do is run around the woods at knew the danger but you were rather brave. Now the woods are much more because its full moon you head out for your training. You jog first through the woods before you started running. You didn't care of u were tired if you fainted, you'll just go home when you woke up and stay until you aren't tired anymore.

A few minutes after you started running you realized you don't any water you rolled your eyes and your casual stupidity - everyone knew you were clever and smart, you just don't see it - and continued running

When you finally that's because you bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry I didn't see you " you apologize "no no it's fine," he said "I'm Aiden  do you want to get some coffee tomorrow " he added"(Y/N)"you said

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