Chapter 1

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Anaya POV

       Ugh!!! I feel like throwing up, this had to one of the worst days of my life. This dress is itchy and my hair is so heavy I feel like I could just tip over at any time. As I finally decided to tune back into the wedding my mom and Richard were kissing.

Sorry about all that, I'm 18 years old Anaya Grant, I'm about 5'6, brown skin and I have long curly hair that stops around the middle of my back and no its not weave or because I'm mixed, I just take care of my hair.
My mom just married her boss or should I say ex-boss. Apparently they've been dating secretly for the past 2 years and now, I'm just supposed to move my entire life, because we're going to move in with Richard. My life could not be more fucked up now.

2 weeks later

Mom and Richard are finally coming back from their honeymoon in Europe and I'm dreading every moment until they arrive.
"Anaya girl if you don't yo ass up and get ready, imma come up there and whoop it" My nanny yelled from downstairs. I had been staying with my nanny(grandma )the two weeks they've been gone. I rolled over and groaned I could just tell that this day was gonna be fucking horrible.
"Girl, did you hear me I said get yo ass up".
"Ok grandma I'm up, damn a bitch can't ever sleep in around here."
"Hell naw you can't, but you ain't gotta worry about that for much longer" she said smirking as she came to watch me from the doorway of my old bedroom.

"Nanny don't say that imma find a way to get up out of that uppity ass neighborhood" I said to her as I packed up the suitcase I've been living out of for the last two weeks.

"Girl stop acting like a brat it won't be so bad there" she said to me while walking away.

"C'mon now nanny I got alot of shit going against me already!" I yelled at her back. "Like what" she yelled back while walking into the kitchen.

"Let's see I'm black ass hell, I got more curves than half the girls in that place, my mom "the black secretary" just married her rich ass white ass boss" I yelled at her so she could get where the fuck I'm coming from.

I watched her head whip around to look at me.

"Anaya I don't know who the fuck you think you're talking to but I suggest you watch your fucking mouth!" I looked down at my feet when I realized what just happened. The one thing about my nanny is that she don't play when it comes to respect.

"Sorry nanny I didn't mean to yell" I mumbled under my breath.

"Don't ask scared now you wasn't a moment ago, speak the hell up" she said.

"I'm sorry it's just that it gets me so heated that nobody gets where the fuck I'm coming from" I sighed.

"What you talking bout now girl" she said as she turned her back on the breakfast she was cooking.

"Everybody wants me to be happy that my life's about to be upgraded or whatever but I didn't ask for this shit. I forreal don't even want it, I just want to stay here with you and my girls, nanny" I said as tears started to run down my face.

"Nobody asked me how I felt about it, nobody cared that my fucking life is the only thing being fucked with in all this marriage, and moving bullshit!!" I yelled as I banged my fist on the kitchen table.

"Anaya calm down baby girl, it's gonna all be ok. You know that if it ever gets to be too much over there that there is always a place for you here" Nanny said as she pulled me into a hug. I felt all the love she could possibly give in that hug.

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