Love and Other Miscellaneous

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Falling in love sucks. Period. There's no possible way it should even be legal. The way your heart flutters, your stomach flips, and your mouth goes completely dry right before the person of your dreams kisses someone else… Yeah, that's totally not the ideal moment of my life. And it shouldn't be that way for you either. 

But I'm feeling sort of like that right now… Well it might not exactly be 'love', but I find myself drifting off into lala-land, daydreaming about him, whenever I have a spare moment. I think about glancing at his beautiful eyes from across the classroom for a second, right before he looks over to see me, er, staring? But the only odd thing about it is that it feels mutual…

He looks over at me when I'm not looking, and I look over when he's not looking. I glance across the halls between class changes and see him, and he's always right there in front of me at lunch.


If so, then there's definitely something the universe is trying to tell us. I'm just saying. 

But why is it so hard for us to find a way to talk to each other? Why is there not a project where the teacher will randomly pair us together or something? Teachers did that all my life, and now they just decide not to do it once I really want them to. Thanks a lot, guys. You're really helping the situation. Please note my sarcasm. 

And now I'm sitting here, typing this stupid rambling what-ever-it-is when I should be doing my homework… But the homework I DO have is from the classes that I have with that guy… So doing it would only get me thinking about him even more: Is he doing his homework with a group? A group with a girl that's better than me(pffttt, sure….)? Did he just not do it? If not, is he out on a date? TOO MUCH TO WORRY ABOUT!! 

It's not even fair. I swear. 

People should have to wear quote boxes- or whatever they're called- above their heads so you can actually understand what they think of you. I mean, seriously. Life is complicated enough without the aspect of 'love'. Now we have to add in the stupidity of the teenage boy's brain? fml.  

I've looked up plenty of stuff on the internet on how teenage boys think, but I came up with nothing. None of them are the same! Except on one issue(which is pretty obvious). But other than that, nothing. Zip. Nadda. Zero. 

What a wonderful thing to have to worry about on top of all the advanced courses I'm taking. Lovely… 

….But I guess that's all for this entry of "Love and Other Miscellaneous"

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