The Beginning From The End

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Dazed with fear, I stand silently in the unfamiliar courtroom which currently holds my fate. I was never one to sweat a lot, even after my workouts, but here I stand at this moment, sweating profusely and I can practically hear my heart hammering against my chest. And despite the fact that I'm in a courtroom, I still don't regret that accepting her add request on Skype. She's still my world and if they want to imprison me for loving her, then so be it. As I stand thinking of how torn apart my poor excuse of a life would become while being incarcerated, I whisper a silent prayer hoping that the judge would be kind enough to not send me away for too long. I have the urge to turn my head in the direction of the source of my being here -- and there she is -- worry and regret plastered over her beautiful face. I wish she didn't have to go through this, I wish I hadn't allowed my feelings to get the best of me, but most of all I wish I didn't wish these things because she's still the best thing that has ever happened to me. She blows me a kiss and mouths an "I love you" and immediately my whole demeanor changes. When I turn back around, my eyes are met by those of the judge; she looks determined to make this hard for me, and to make things even worse, it had to be a damn woman!

While nervously waiting to hear my sentence, the wave of events that brought me here flash through my mind...

I get a contact request on my Skype page so I quickly scroll down to look who it is and that's when her beauty catches my eyes. I really only talk to my family members on Skype so I am excited to see what this add request brings. She is beautiful; not the most beautiful person I've ever seen, but she truly is a gorgeous specimen. However, she has the most beautiful chocolate complexion, it's as if God personalized her melanin to suit her other features. Her eyebrows are neatly shaved into a consistent arch and her irises are beautiful shades of hazel which suit her completely. Her nappy, shoulder length hair is a dirty brown which complements her eyes perfectly and by merely looking at the picture one can deduce that she probably has a very hard time combing it. The fact that she doesn't see the need to change her hair colour to suit society's 'acceptable' standards makes me like her even more and for the strangest reason, I am anxious to talk to her. Her small nose looks like a dwarf on her oval shaped face but is accounted for with her beautiful plump, rosy lips. She has well defined cheekbones, but her face is not the typical skinny model-like faces -- it is very contradictory but absolutely breathtakingly beautiful. Her ears are covered by her hair but something tells me that they are rather very small.

I have been single for quite some time now and am very interested in that being changed by the angel on this photo, so I immediately accept her request and video call her. A few seconds later I was staring into bold hazel eyes through the barriers of my laptop. Although I had much confidence when I clicked that 'video call' button, I now know not what to say. I muster up as much bravery as I can, I put on my flirty voice.

"Hey beautiful, what's your name?"

"I'm Kalisa, thanks for accepting my add request" she replied in a small voice.

"A beautiful name for an even more beautiful person, I'm Kajeem", I stated, now more confident than I was at first.

Her cheeks redden at the same time that she smiles a glistening smile at my use of the word beautiful and I can't help but grin at how innocent she looks just as I imagine the things that I could do with those full lips. My rude thoughts are interrupted by her, "Thanks for accepting my add request."

"I'm the one who should be saying thanks to you. To what do I owe the honour of having someone as beautiful as you on my Skype account?"

"I was just about to ask you that same question", is her reply.

"Is that so? So you think I'm beautiful huh? I'd much rather the use of the word handsome but I guess I'll just have to take what I'm given."

We talked like this for the entirety of the night, stopping only when I saw how tired she was and that was minutes after 3:00 a.m. We bonded over our shared love of Literature; I couldn't believe that someone was out there who loved Literature as much as I did. I was marveled at her knowledge of literary works. Talking to her ignited fires in places of my body that I didn't even know existed, and the fact that my favourite novel was also hers, just put the icing on the already delicious cake. It was at this point that I realised she'd be my drug.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2016 ⏰

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