note: Y/B/N=you're brother's name incase you don't have one think of a guy that is just like you're brother and in this fan fic he's you're brother.
Y/N POV: Oh my god, my head hurts like hell and my body's numb, oh this sucks, deez nuts haha i went down to see what me family is up too "morning mum hey Y/B/N!' "Good morning baby." as usual she kisses my cheek "Aye Y/N CATCH!' my brother threw me an apple best brother ever (:P) "tank yo!" i said with a full mouth "n.p." the phone started ringing and my brother got it he starts talking about something and he seemed upset a little but i couldn't hear it cause he was in the kitchen and i was eating breakfast on the dinning room and then he gave me the telephone and goes to my mum to talk to her. I saw my dads name on the phone and i answered "Hey daddy whats up?" i was always a daddy little princess "Lena am sending you to London in the u.k.""WHAT WHY?!" "Calm down, because when you applied for oxford they accepted and they want you to go there." "oh my god. REALLY?!? "CONGRATS BABY!" i can't believe it am going to London but wait.." Dad um if am going to London who's going to take care of me am only 20 almost 21 and who's going to show me around and-." "Hey i got it all planned, my best friend simon cowell will show you around!" "A MAN WHAT??!?!""Calm down its going to be okay he has his wife with him don't worry alright." i signed in defeat and said okay and he said the usual father things take care and all and went to the kitchen to see whats happening i saw my mum crying and my brother hugging and she saw me and she hugged me i was always so sensitive so of course i started crying like a baby "I can't believe you grew up a lot and you are going away from me." i was 5,9 which was taller than my mum by a a couple of centimeters but i was taller so she started crying on my chest and Y/B/N came and hugged us all "yeah mum you grew up so fast hun!" "Guys stop am going to cry my eyes out, i still don't know when am moving so thats good." then my mum says something that shocked me "you're going now lena." "WHAT?!?" "yes now go pack honey." my mum said sadly i was so shocked but i could move still. It hurt me to leave the people i love and go like this and i was packing and i was making sure i had everything i wanted then my dad came and he hugged me and so tight he crushed me "take care of yourself okay? you're in safe hands trust him like he's just like me alright?" "Pap you're my only dad and you know it." we both laughed "Are you ready to go?" "Yeah am done" i hugged my family of three brothers and my mum *skiping the car ride* "So this is it?" i said sadly it washy first time riding an airplane alone it makes me feel sad really my my dad sighed "Yeah but of course you will visit us right?' "Of course dad!" i hugged him and he handed me the first case airplane ticket and 100 pounds i hugged him one more time and toke off
next part coming tomorrow posting daily xxxx -lena <3

the journey of choices .
Teen Fictionthis book isn't going to be that long when i write a fanfic you better praise he lord because i usually don't like to do these thing a lot anyway here we go this story is about you moving into a new world, no its not like underworld and that its mov...