What is StopChildAbuse

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Child abuse is anything that anyone, not just a parent, does to a child that hurts them and is done constantly. May it be beating a child, starving them, locking them away, or emotionally abusing them. At times, a child may die because of it's injuries.

This campaign is to help spread the word about what is done to these children and hopefully prevent more from suffering this.  Many children suffer everyday by such actions and not many people do much about it.

We ask that if you support this campaign to please show it in your profile, but you do not have to if you wish not to do so.

This campaign was made by Dovestar324

Story Criteria:

In order for your story to be part of the Stop Child Abuse campaign it must have at least one of these qualities, you don't have to include all. It is your story so you choose.

1. The main character must be a victim, or was a victim of this.

2. A minor character must be a victim.

3. The story gets the Stop Child Abuse campaign's point out to the readers why this is important and what it can do to others.

4. A chapter of an ongoing story, if you choose, must have something about this campaigns subject.

5. (Please do) If your story has any of these qualities please put our sticker on it. The link is in our profile. Also put our hashtag on it as well.

We will enjoy reading your stories, and hope some of the supporters will help us. Please message us. We will reply when we are able.

Thank you


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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