My Story

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Abby’s POV

Today is the day. The day I am leaving my home state of almost eleven years. I never thought this day would come. I always thought I would go to high school with my best friend and live here as long as I could. But today, everything was changing. It was almost a week ago when my mom told me we were moving. I didn’t quite understand why, but all I know is that I wasn't’ happy about it.

            We were moving from Reisterstown, Maryland to Batesville, Indiana without my dad. I didn’t know why, but I was heartbroken. A part of me was actually happy about moving because I always felt like I didn’t fit in here. I would always be picked on and teased for how I looked. I was hoping this move would be a good thing, considering I would be going to a new school where literally nobody knew who I was. It was a little intimidating, but exciting.

            I figured all the teasing would stop, but boy was I wrong. When I finally started school at Batesville Middle School, I ended up missing the first six weeks of 7th grade. In that time everyone meets up with their friends from summer and maybe make some new ones. But, I was new and I didn’t know anybody. I didn’t even know my way around the school! I would wander the halls, looking for my classes nobody asking if I needed help. I walked into my science class and found my seat. Today I was wearing my tan khakis and I was about to regret it.

            See, my mom thought I was too young to shave my legs, so I didn’t. Everyone was at least a year or two older than me. It was weird, and once again, I didn’t fit in. When we had some free time, the two guys in front of me turned around and asked why I didn’t shave. I tried to ignore them, but they kept bugging me. But the girl next to me was my friend and she actually knew why. She stood up for me but they just ended up laughing. She apologized and I said it’s okay, thank you for doing that. And she just smiled.

            Thankfully at that moment, the bell rang. I nearly ran out of that classroom. The rest of the year wasn’t easy but now I’m in 8th grade and I’m a little happy that I’m almost finished with middle school. I walked into my social studies class and the teacher seemed cool. His name was Mr. Garrett. When he was taking attendance, he thought it would be funny to mispronounce my name, on purpose of course. After saying Fitz-Water he said Fitz-In-The-Water.

            After that day most people didn’t call me Abby, they either call me Fitz-in-the-water or Fish-in-the-water. All because of one teacher, but I eventually learned to accept it. Once social studies was over, I went to my locker and I heard people laughing. I turned around and saw they were laughing at a boy. I later found out that he was my neighbor. They students were making fun of him because of how messy his hair was and how bad he smelled.

            But to be honest, I didn’t think he was that bad. Okay, I know what you’re thinking no we didn’t date. But we did become fast friends. We started hanging out more and more. I guess we didn’t know how much we were hanging out, until the rumors started. I was always the person who heard about rumors, but never had one about me. Well, now it was my turn. Everyone thought Brandon and I were a couple. It didn’t seem to bother him that people were talking about him, but I really affected me.

            After that, we starting talking less and I felt lonely again. But I pushed that aside and got ready for my freshman year of high school. It was around the first week of school and we were listening to our principal speak in the auditorium. The girl next to me looked at me and asked, ‘Why are you such a slut?’ I could’ve broken down in tears right then and there. It didn’t make any sense; I’ve never had a boyfriend before in my life.

            Once again, I brushed it off and went on with my day. I have now been at Batesville High School for about a month now and I walked into my biology class. I sat down in my seat next to Aiyana (the same girl who called me a slut in the auditorium) and waited for Ms. Tincher to start talking. When she did, we had a project to do, and guess who I got paired with? Yup, Aiyana. I was a little nervous but they soon went away when we started talking.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2013 ⏰

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