Prologue and Part One: Sara

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As long as I can remember, I've never really liked guys. No, I know what you're thinking; 'she likes girls'. It's not like that at all. I'm not lesbian or bisexual; not that there's anything wrong with that, I just never fantasized over any guy.

My mum says I'm only young, and I shouldn't be dating at this age anyway. She tells me her first boyfriend was when she was 18. But I want to know what it's like to genuinely love somebody; to look into their eyes and to be able to say they're yours. I've never had that before. I just wonder, wonder. But the problem is, I've never liked one;

That was until I met him; that was until I saw his bright blue eyes and his dark brown hair; and his dimple on his right cheek fade into his perfect cheek bones, his jawline. I never really liked guys until I saw him smile for the first time in forever, and saw what was really inside.

Part One: Sara

Chapter 1

I wake up in a pool of sweat on the floor, with mum, dad and Layla standing above me looking down.

"Are you okay?" Mum asks, seemingly worried.

"What happened?" I ask, confused about the whole situation.

"You fell to the floor and we heard a thump. I thought you were dead!" Layla adds.

Layla's my 9 year old sister, dumb and as annoying as any other little sister can be. Personally, I think she's adopted, she's the only person in the family with blonde hair. Mum, Dad and I all have light brown hair. And besides, how can someone die from falling on the floor? I'm not 90 years old, and I'm not a little baby. I'm not fragile, well not fragile in that way, I guess.

I stand up and mum and Layla help me onto the couch. I check my phone, it's 6.17am. Mum comes in with an ice pack for the hip I fell on, and a cold, damp flannel to put on my head. She gives me a glass of water and tells me that I've got 2 hours to recover, otherwise no school. And no, I don't want to miss school. Today is the first day of year 9, it's almost like starting year 8, because it's an unfamiliar school. I hope it isn't as bad as my last. So yeah, I can't miss it.

Chapter 2

I rock up to school with an egg on my head. This school is St. Luke's because we moved 2 hours away from my old school, St. Mary's. We're not religious, but my parents believe that public schools are full of bullies and "not-very-good-role models", as they call them.

"Have a good day sweetie!" mum says as I walk away from the car.

"I'll try." I say looking back at her, realising she's an embarrassment.

I walk into homeroom and everyone just stares at me. I walk toward a girl with big blue eyes, and dark brown hair that covers a birth mark that starts from her left eye and goes to her nose. She looks nice, not my choice of a friend, but who knows? We could end up best friends for the whole time I'm here. You got to try and make a good first impression, as they all say.

"Hi. Can I sit here?" I say as I walk up to her.

"Sure. I mean, nobody else would sit here."

I smile and sit down. That's an odd thing to say, why wouldn't anyone want to sit here? As I look at her, the birth mark slowly turns into a bruise. She has a black eye.

"What's your name?" I try and ask politely.

"My name is Sara. What about yours?" She answers quietly, yet confidentially.

"Mine is June," I say.

I can't help but think about what happened to her eye, where'd she get the bruise? Dammit, screw good first impressions, it's eating me alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2016 ⏰

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