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Its me again now not with a fanfic but a book cover shop!!!!!! Yehet!!!!

Okay, the pic in the multimedia is the book cover. I know I'm not that good but I'll try my best to do your request( wow it freaking rhymed )

Anyways, The form will be found on this introo!!!

So here's the form and all you have to do is to fill it up:


Story Title:

Subtitle: (optional)

Characters: (please KPOP only)

Color: (dark or light)

Summary: (so I know what it's about)


And lastly the rules::

Follow me(U dont really have to)

Mention me in one of your chaps and story deatails

Use the cover

Redos allowed


Be my friend!

That's probbably all. Saranghae!!! You can request as much as you want.

Graphic ShopWhere stories live. Discover now