Revenge 3

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Sianii stepped between the trees, Troy at her side. They ducked under a low branch, then Sianii carefully stepped over a high bush. She glanced in the shadows of the forest, seeing nothing moving between the trees. She and Troy continued to quietly venture further.

Sianii would run, but she knew that she and her blond mate were exploring in unknown territory. They had to keep quiet or strangers that they did not want to meet, would find them.

Troy's ears were twitching like crazy, and his nose was sniffing the air often. Sianii wondered what he was smelling. She parted her jaws to taste the air, letting her tongue hang out. The heat of summer drifted into her senses, and she felt herself getting tired and dehydrated.

Whispering softly to her mate, she asked, "Are there any rivers nearby do ya think?"

Troy glanced at her, then replied quiet enough for her to hear, "What, ya gettin' tired already?"

"Well we've been walking a little while now.." Sianii felt her ears flatten.

Troy smirked, but she could see weariness in his gaze. He looked as though if he stopped to rest a bit, a creature would come out and attack him. Sianii nudged him, "Come on, lets go find a river," she suggested quietly.

Troy nodded, and the two of them followed their noses to the scent of water. Despite the dry air, they were finally able to come across a small stream. Sianii tipped her tongue into it and tasted warm water. It wasn't satisfying in the least, so she got her tongue wet and ran it over her dry body. She needed a bath, goodness.

She peeked out of the corner of her eye and saw Troy mimiking her, his eyes closed as if the water felt good to him. She stood up when she finished and made the movement with her tail as if asking if they could continue.

Troy glanced up at her with a brief nod. The two of them headed off into the trees. Troy's pawsteps were much larger but quieter than Sianii's. She was jealous of how gently he could walk compared to her.

A noise came from one of the bushes in the distance, and Troy's stance changed, his legs spred out and his tail became level with his body. Sianii made the same stance, but her legs angled differently. She crouched down, searching around the forest trees with her gaze. She couldn't see anything apart from trees and bushes.

Suddenly, someone else's paws went in front of her eyes, and she couldn't see. She shook her head to shake the creature off her. She heard a gasp from Troy, and then, something hard slammed into her jaw, making her go numb. She fell to the ground. The paws from her eyes were gone and she was staring down at black paws in front of her. Then it all went black.


Sianii blinked her eyes open. She was surrounded by a thorn barrier made with bones and skeletons of dead wolves. The skeleton heads were facing her, and her ears pressed against her head and she bared her fangs in disgust and in fear. She was officially creeped out.

"Welcome, Sianii," a familiar dark voice sounded from the top of the barrier. She glanced up and saw the shape of a muscular, broad shouldered, black wolf. Red eyes peered down at her from above. She saw the living shape of Sir Steel.

"What do you want from me?!" She snarled.

"I already got it. I got you as prisoner and Troy captured," he replied with a smirk.

"You tell me where he is!" Sianii growled loudly.

Even if I told you, you couldn't get to him. This barrier is impossible for any wolf to escape. It's also in a hole. In the ground. That's right. You're buried right now," Sir Steel replied.

"I'm not dead yet. You tell me where he is or I'll leap out of here and rip your heart out!" Sianii roared.

Sir Steel just laughed, "You couldn't jump out. It's too deep for a stupid wolf like you."

I'll bet on that, Sianii mumbled to herself. She bunched her muscles and crouched down, her legs ready to spring. She targeted the landing where she would put her paws. Right on Sir Steel's head. After a moment, she opened her eyes wide and leaped upward into the air, dirt carrying after her paws into the air.

She felt herself get closer and closer to the top. She clawed onto the grassy ground above the hole, then Sir Steel grabbed her paw and shoved her back down. Sianii landed in a cluster of thorns and bones, she clenched her teeth at the thought of what dead wolf she could have just landed on. Feeling angry and confused, she barked up at Sir Steel, "I'll get out! Eventually!"

"Have fun trying, human," He turned away with a smirk. Two pairs of black wolf paws set down a stick-crafted lid on top of the hole, caging Sianii inside. 

Sianii groaned with frustration. She tried to think of a way to get out. She glanced around her, seeing the wall made of bones and thorns. A crazy thought went through her head.

Maybe I could try digging out... Sianii dug her claws into the wall, picking off skeleton wolf carcasses and thorns, she continued to work her paws quickly, using her remaining strength to try and escape. She kept her breathing leveled in the heat. She longed for fresh air, and she knew she'd get to it. She dug circled up toward the surface.

After what seemed like hours of digging, Sianii broke to the top. She breathed in fresh air and coughed dirt. She bursted out of the ground, her silver, former perfectly groomed fur, covered in thorns and dirt. She saw that she was in the middle of the Black Blood camp. The guards, a black wolf with a missing eye, and another black wolf with a brown muzzle, howled in alarm. Black wolves poured from the dens and Sianii was surrounded by twenty, no, THIRTY Black Bloods. 

She seemed to be on the brink of hope now, then she saw the stick cage door on top of her hole. She grabbed it from the ground with her teeth and used it as a sheild. She darted toward a group of Black Bloods. Charging toward them, she shoved them downward to the ground with the makeshift cage door. They bit through the stick-like invention, and they leaped on top of Sianii. Sianii bit the first one that leaped on her hard, and tasted blood in her mouth. The wolf backed away with a squeak. 

The next to wolves in her way she flung her tail across their faces, making them fly back against the wall of the camp. Sianii continued slashing at more wolves, fighting them with all her strength. She felt more tired and tired as the Black Bloods continued to pile on. 

She saw a dark leader standing on one of the dens. It's black fur waving in the dusty air. The sky seemed to turn red around him. Sianii, distracted, was slashed in the face by a Black Blood wolf. She fell to the ground and everything went dark once again.


Drousy by the dusty air, she coughed. She realized she was inside a den. She walked across the dusty floor into a different section of the den through a narrow gap. In the new room stood Sir Steel, his wolves brushing the dust from his pelt. He turned around with an evil glare at Sianii.

Getting into a fighting stance, she growled, her hankles rose defensively. Sir Steel chuckled, "Well look who's been a naughty girl," he said in a low voice, then he growled, "You should be punished."

Two wolves from either sides of Sianii held her down against the ground. She shoved around, trying to break free, then Sir Steel leaned down, his red piercing gaze bleeding into hers, "Would you like to know where your precious mate is?"

Sianii's eyes widened and she looked at him, wanting to know with all her heart, but she wasn't sure how to respond.

"Well fear not, the answer to your problem, is right here," he pulled out a leaf and set it on the ground in front of Sianii's nose. She sniffed the leaf curiously and realized it was a leaf from an oak tree. An oak tree...

Sianii thought for a moment, then she realized.

They hold him captive at the SilverBlood Oak Base!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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