Hiking trip

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Your friends call you and invite you to a hiking trip. You go along even though you hate the outside. Your friends only use you too get more money considering your dad owns a wealthy electronic company. But other than that you live a normal life.

In your friends there is a self absorbed girl her name is Emily ,her almost exact same sister Sarah , who you hate both of them , then theirs the boy version of them his name is Brody (such a douche bag name) but you stick around for the fun of it.

You were hiking at mt. Ebott a fairly close place about a half hour to get to. You were driving and listening to music with your headphones. Mostly listening to markaplier videos.

When you arrive a cold wind nips at your skin.and you start without the others. You find a cave and decided to wait in there.when you sat a hole appears under you.

You fall down the whole and land in a shadowy cavish area. Only thing you could see was a little bright yellow flower with a face on it...

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