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Jungkook isn't entirely sure why he's sitting in the middle of the school library five minutes before its closing time. He isn't sure why, for the past two hours, he's put in the effort to actually study and not mess around on his phone or online. But if he had to guess, he'd blame the boy sitting next to him with his head stuck in his book, trying to cram for their not-so-pop quiz in chemistry tomorrow.

The younger boy hopes he hasn't noticed that he's put his book down, that it's been left untouched for the past twenty minutes, opened to a page over the Bohr model. He hopes that he hasn't felt his eyes drift to him every so often, when his Twitter timeline was at a stand-still and he'd collected all he could from the cats on his space heater. And Jungkook can't help but feel these jitters in the pit of his stomach when he flips the page and threatens to look his way; can't help the way his breath catches in his throat when the tiniest of smiles draws on his face in victory after he answers the chapter assessment questions correctly. His heart beats hard against his ribs and he laughs when the only thing he can think of is an excited electron.

(Taehyung glances over at him with a confused expression, but Jungkook just waves him off and he's off to studying again. He has to admit, the textbook is handy if and when he ever uses it.)

At closing time, the librarian catches the two as Jungkook begins to doze off, his head using his book as a cushion, and his face turns a bright shade of red in embarrassment. Taehyung is too invested in cramming his things into his backpack to take notice at first, but as they're shooed out of the building and into the night, he calls attention to the flustered state of his friend.

Taehyung's hand is cool and soft against Jungkook's forehead, which is burning hot now if it hadn't been before. He leans in close to his face, so close that Jungkook's skin bristles as Taehyung's breathing hits it.

"Kook, you feelin' alright?" and his gaze is a weird mixture of soft and intense that Jungkook can't seem to put his finger on, but it makes his stomach knot and all he can do is nod. Taehyung narrows his eyes — he can see right through him, he's not convinced. But he stuffs his hands into his pockets and starts off down the sidewalk anyway. Jungkook readjusts the strap slung over his shoulder and hurries after his friend, walking just far enough behind him that he can't see him staring.

And as they walk, Jungkook does exactly that — he stares. He watches as the wind blows through and rustles Taehyung's hair, as his mouth stretches into the rectangular smile that is so inherently Taehyung when the convenience store's dog barks at them as they pass by. He stares even after he loses his footing on the railroad tracks in the road and he's flicked on the forehead for being a clutz. The silent night is filled with the sound of Taehyung's laugh, loud but sweet, obnoxious but lulling. Like music to Jungkook's ears.

It's only when they turn the street into their neighborhood that Taehyung clears his throat, slows his pace so he's at his friend's side. "I hope I pass that quiz tomorrow," and Jungkook turns his head to see that he is looking at him now. He swallows, laughs — "I don't see how you couldn't." They continue side-by-side until they reach their homes.

They stop in front of Jungkook's yard, like they do every day, to say goodbye. But this time, Taehyung is hesitant in his farewell — his eyes are shifty, and he opens his mouth as if he has something to say. Jungkook doesn't push him to speak, but stands there waiting.

"I hope I pass that quiz tomorrow," Taehyung repeats, leaving Jungkook eyeing him in curiosity.

"I don't see how you couldn't."

"There's just, a few things I have some trouble with," Taehyung rocks back and forth on his feet, nervously shuffling in his spot. Jungkook says nothing, and he takes it as his cue to continue, "Like, you know, Newton's Laws."

Jungkook feels as though he's missing something — a punchline or joke of some sort. He cocks his head, tries to form some semblance of a response. Taehyung bends down only just, leaning in close until their noses are just barely touching, and Jungkook can think of nothing other than to hold his breath.

"Oh, what was it? For every...something there's...something." The blush from earlier creeps back and dusts Jungkook's cheeks, and at once his face is on fire. He stumbles with his words, muttering something incoherent in reply, but he's cut short by a pair of lips on his own. There's a ringing in his ears and butterflies fluttering around inside of him. Taehyung's lips are soft against his chapped ones, and he can't help thinking that they fit together perfectly.

It ends just as quickly as it began and Jungkook is left speechless at a grinning Taehyung. His lips are still warm where Taehyung's were, despite the cool night air.

"That's right — for every action, there's an opposite reaction," and it takes Jungkook all he can not to punch him in the shoulder. He groans, covers his face with his hands, and Taehyung reaches out to ruffle his hair. "I'd say your reaction was a pretty cute one."  

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