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When I got to the top of the stairs I opened the doors.

A sweet aroma of Chocolate Cake and Strawberry cake filled my nose.

"(Y/N), let's go see dad. I'm sure you guys have a lot to catch up on!" Tamaki was so excited that I came home.

' I wonder if he'll even remember me, I have changed a lot since he last saw me.' I thought while looking around me.

Tamaki started walking up a grand staircase so I followed guessing he would lead me to our father.

Soon we arrived at a door that had gold writing which made out: Suoh

Tamaki knocked on the door, to witch we heard a muffled "come in"

I opened the door with a shaky hand and peered inside.

There he was, my father, looking down at his paperwork.

"Good evening Mr. Suoh" I was very formal but had a bit of an accent.

"Hm? Ah yes! You must be-" he broke off mid-sentence when he looked up to see me.


"Hey, dad," I said simply with a flick of my wrist as to say hello.

"W-What are you doing here?" He asked in disbelief.

"Well, mom thought that it was time for me to see my brother again and to visit Japan; so she bought me a plane ticket and here I am," I stated.

I had forgotten Tamaki was here until he decided to cut in, "Isn't this great dad! (Y/N) is going to live with us just like before!".

"Yes, yes it is. Tamaki go tell the maids to prepare a meal fit for kings, we must celebrate (Y/N)'s return."

Tamaki ran off excited to tell everyone. While I stayed behind to talk with my father.

'What would he really say when Tamaki is not around? Would he hate me? Send me back to France?

I hope not, I really don't want to leave my brother again. And even if he does try to send me back, I'm not going back without a fight.'

~Oooooo! Will (Y/N) stay or be forced to go back home? Read the next chapter to find out! Thanks for reading!

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