Chapter One - Before it Happened

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   I woke up by the sound of my sisters stupid One Direction alarm clock.

   "MIMI! MIMI!" I screamed. My screams can be very loud, and booming, and...did I mention LOUD?

   "Mimi, get here this instant! MIMI!" And I ran after that little creep, making sure I taught her a lesson that she'd never forgot. "I am going to kill you!"

   But just as I charged down the stairs of our lovely big house, Mum was standing there, arms folded, legs slightly apart, looking like she wanted to murder me. Nothing new there. She always took a great shine to my stupid little sister, Mimi, short for Mary. (Although it's the same amount of letters, so...) I turned around all set to go back to sleep, and kill Mimi when I wake up,but Mum followed me.

   "Can I help you?!" I said, getting a bit annoyed.

   "A-L-E-X-A-N-D-R-A  L-E-W-I-S!!!" Mum screeched. 

   Haven't you noticed that with parents? Whenever they're angry (which is mostly flipping always with me) they always say your real name. Well, Dad left ages ago, and good ridance, and Mum is a PAIN. Anyway, she knows I hate to be called Alexandra, I'm Alexa, and it will stay like that. Not Alex. Not Alexanda. Not Al. Alexa. Remember that name. I'll be famous one day. Yes, I'll beat all those stars like David Beckham and Madonna and that One Direction. I could see it now 'Alexa - OUT OF THIS WORLD!' I'd sort of gone into a daze by this point. I forgot about Mum.

   "ALEXANDRA? Are you there?"

   Stupid question.


   I was getting pretty ticked off by this point.

   "Get here at once, Alexandra" Mum said, yelling. And she tells ME off for doing that.

   "I told you. ITS ALEXA."


   See! The cheek of it! It's alright for Teenager's like me to speak like that, but not mothers. Though Mum had me at 17, so yeah. It's not surprising Mum talks like a teenager, she did have me when she was that age...

   "So what it is? I've got things to do, you know. People to criticize. Places to be."

   "No, you'll be packing those bags."

   I didn't know what she meant. Then. You see me and my mother don't have the best of the relationships. She was always having arguments with me and always sticking up for my stupid sister, Mimi. Some people call me a typical teenager but my mum has no idea about the bitchy sluts at school and the annoying little sister problem. I know my Dad walked out on us when I was little for no proper reason. But my family is a real pain in the backside. But even so, I would never say this to my Mum, and it probably wouldn't make her too happy to hear it either. I hate this town. I hate the way everyone acts like I'm supposed to greet them with a smile. I hate the neighbours. I hate the dickhead boys and everyone else. I wanted to get away, as I always say. But not like this way, the way my mad mother had planned.



   "Alexa! "

   "Do not talk to me in such a manor. You'll be packing your bags off to boarding school. It'll straighten you out and maybe actually knock some sense into that possibly non-existent brain of yours. Your always saying you'd love to get away, well, Alexandra, you've finally got what you wished for."

   I scoffed. "No."

   "You will do as your told."

   "I don't have to go to stupid boarding school, and I won't."

   "Nanny Bobby went."

   "And look at her now."

   "Yes, but she had a daughter who passed her exams. Well most of them."

   "And got preggo at 17, and now has a teenage daughter of 15 at 32. Yeah, way to go, mother."

   Mum glared at me.

   "And you think that I'm somehow going to change my mind about Boarding School now."

   "Yes. I do. Why do you think I said it in the first place?"

   "C'mon. Get ready! You're still in your onesie. We're leaving in half an hour."

   I didn't move.

   "Hop to it!"

   I hopped on the spot.


   I didn't have a choice, I texted Ruby and Davina and Ellie and Loz and Miah and Leah and Josie to tell them about the news. I was still in my onesie but oh well. 

   This was the message I sent them:


From: AlexaLewisbabeyy2

You will not beliv wot haz happund my muver sum hw finks that i am going to go boarding school she made me pak my bags and all. I am soooooooooooo not going. I am not going to leave any of you. Stupid mother. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! I bet they talk all "awfully" posh and wear skirts to their angles and all have clean white teeth like in films and speak funny. It is going to be sooooo bad my mum dont understand. Love you all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx <3 <3

-Alexa lewis 11E xxxxxxxxxx loveu

   I'd somehow hoped that in the last 3 minutes of writing that, slowly out onto my iPhone that Mum had magically changed her mind. No such luck. And I was still in my onesie.

   "Alexandra! Get ready this instant!"

   I threw on my joggers and my tight tank top, and slapped a bit of make-up on, not really bothered. In one bag I stuffed some underwear, socks, jeans, jeans, shorts, jeans, tops, jeans, tops and my iphone. It was only a carrier bag, I wasn't really bothered about making an impression.

   I didn't need to.

    When Mum saw me she practically looked like she wanted to murder my outfit, and probably most of me aswell.

   "Oh, Alexandra! What are you wearing?!"

   Isn't it obvious? You have eyes. So use them! DUH.

   "Can't you see? I'm wearing my-"

   "You cannot wear that! You have to get changed into proper uniform."

   "Mum, you get given it there! I'll just get changed there. Do you see any snobby posh boarding school uniform? I think not."

   "Alexandra! Don't use that stroppy tone with me. Anyway, were going in five minutes, I'll just have to explain to them about your uniform...incident. Get your bags and-"

   "Already done."

   "Yes, well chop chop! In the car, the babysister for Mimi's already here. NOW HURRY UPPP!!!"

   "Alright! Take a chilly! I'm going!'"

   And I slowly shuffled down the stairs in my slipper socks. I slipped on my Vans, grabbed my jacket and rushed out the door. My start to a hell life. Here we come.

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