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Me and my family had to move because my dad got a new job and he didnt want to leave us behind.So now we have to go with him and it's so stupid because I have to leave all of my friends and it's like the middle of the school year. But anywho im  cherry and I know what you're thinking thats a stupid name but shut up I know it's stupid. I'm 15 I have long carmal brown hair ,I'm kindda short 5'6,I'm pail,and i'm thinish so yah.I'm not the hottest of people and everybody at my old school had to point it out everyday but I couldn't do anything about it so I just suffered threw it., anywho I get side tracked alot and go off topic now back to what I was saying i moved from pennsylvania to virginia so yah that's atleast seven hours away. So when we left it took forever to get to our new house. The house is super amazing 6 bedrooms,6 bathrooms, my bedroom has a balchony, a basement with a full game center , walkin closet , lots of windows and its just an amazing house.But the next day after I get there I go for a walk to see the town and the private school I will be going to and all I can think is yay preppie rich kids .

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