The Arena

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After the announcement, I found myself questioning Flame about his score."What happened?"I said.
"Ya! You could've had at least a 5 or a 4 if you're pretending to be weak."Brown said.

Before the reaping, Mom told us about these Test Centers. She told us that when the final test is being held, we should act weak and helpless so we wouldn't be the targets of the other careers.

 I get that Flame was doing his best to survive the games, but his score was way too low. Even for amateur fighters.

Flame didn't answer any of our question and instead, he just stopped eating and headed towards the elevator which made me even more curious and scared.

 I quickly went after him and ended up going to his room without a single word.

When we were inside, I asked him what happened.

I told my sister, "Yesterday, before the interview, I already knew what was going to happen when we come in the arena.

The rules are rules.

 Either we fight or I sacrifice myself so you can go home. So I am going to be sure that you will be the one going home. I'm already 14 but you, you still have things to learn and do to which I can't do if I was the one who will make it out alive. So I made a promise to mom and dad before the reaping was held. It took time but they finally agreed to me.

 Unless, Force gives me his title as EO, but I wouldn't allow that. Force is only 12 years old. I'm sorry if I didn't tell you this in the first place. I kept thinking about the situation once Force got picked as EO. And when I was at the training center, I couldn't do a thing or two. I kept thinking about you and our family."

I'm so shocked to hear that.
We were both in tears because I can't think either. I can't think of another way but, I don't want to lose my brother.

If Force gives his place to Flame, Uncle Gale could probably shut the world out.

 And if Flame would die, I won't  have a big brother to look out for me anymore.
If mom and dad where here, they could've soothed us and could've told us what to do.

I mean I don't want to lose my brother, he's the only one I've got.

And I can't let myself out of here without Force or Uncle would be dying out of depression.
We slept out of sadness. When we woke up, we only saw a note and two suites.

 The note is from Aunt Rose saying "Be sure that one of you comes out of that horrible field."
I don't know what to say. 

After we suited up, we were escorted to a room with two tubes. But what shocked me wasn't the room. Instead, what shocked me was the person standing in the middle of the tubes.

"Dad!" and we both went to him and hugged him like there is no tomorrow. Well, there isn't one actually. This could be the end. Or beginning.

"I'm gonna help in any way I can so you'd both have good sponsors. Okay? There isn't much time for the three of us, so Flame, you know what you'll do right?" and Flame nodded which furrowed my eyebrows. 

"And Vision." Dad said as he held both of my shoulders.

"You still have a life after this. It won't be easy. But we'll all help you on your journey. You have to live. For us." I nodded even if some of what Dad said made me even more confused. 

After some advice, Dad hugged us and made us step into the platform in the tube.

Then the platform started rising up like an elevator.

When it stopped we were standing in front of a transparent door. The other side is the arena. 

A voice started counting down "10,9,8,7,6,5,4"
At the last three counts it went slow motion again. 

I can't feel anything as if I was about to explode into a million pieces.
"3,2,1" When the door opened, Nadine suddenly fainted and was crushed into pieces.

I saw her body being crushed by the door. I wanted to cry beside the door but we must keep moving. Loud sounds filled the air signaling the tributes that the games had started.
We ran fast and got a bag each full of weapons, food, and a sleeping bag.

There were 25 people including me, that came in to the arena. But when we were running, Flame aimed an arrow towards me. I ducked and he let go of the arrow then it hit a career that I think was from District 2.

Then a loud bang filled the sky and I knew she was dead.

I lost sight of Brown and Oceania because they camouflaged themselves and we didn't see them.

We kept running until it was night time and we decided to camp inside a cave that was on top of a hill.

It was barely seen, which is a good thing so we can hide from the careers.
While we were eating, we saw Brown outside the cave and we pulled him in."Good, you're still alive." said Force."So 25 came in 23 is still alive."I said.
"Actually it's 22. Oceania and I were separated and I know where she got killed. She camouflaged herself in the river and got shot when a career was aiming for me. She sacrificed herself for me." he stiffly said but a hint of sadness was heard from his voice.

 I should feel pity but instead, I felt anger and hatred. No one should experience this kind of pain. Of losing a loved one because of one stupid game, of wishing that you won't be sacrificing yourself for the other's survival. I don't want to experience that. I don't want Flame to experience that. 

Screw this acting weak stuff. "When the sun rises, we're going to hunt." I say to the both of them.

This is gonna be a very long and exhausting game. But I will play it for my family. For me. Better be ready Finnick. 

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