The Beginning

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"Alaska! It's perfect! Tiny population, dozens of outdoor-type stores, and all the hunting and fishing we could ever need!"
The look I got in response to this outburst suggested I had suddenly sprouted antlers and begun speaking in an alien language.
"Alaska?" I nodded enthusiastically. "So, you want to travel thousands of miles away from anything we know, out into the mostly untamed wilderness, to completely start over with nothing except the shirts on our backs and a dream?"
"That's about the gist of it," I grinned.
JJ sighed. "Let me get my katana."


Oh, did I forget to mention the apocalypse? Haha, my bad.
Well, technically the plague came first. But does it really matter at this point?
Anyways, the plague. A deadly hybrid of Ebola and the avian flu, massively contagious. Wiped out over fifty percent of the population practically overnight. Unprepared was the understatement of the century.
After the remaining population got done picking their jaws up off the ground and got their shit together, they started scrambling for a cure. Because that's what humans do, right? They survive.
Problem is, that's where we fucked ourselves.
The "vaccine" that was born of our desperate race to save ourselves seemed like a miracle. It worked like a charm. The people who got the vaccine reported feeling better than they ever had in their lives, and all signs of the virus that nearly wiped us out were gone in sixteen hours.
...Until the people who received the vaccine stared dropping into comas for no apparent reason the scientists could find.
But the real problem was, they didn't stay asleep. Everyone who got that so-called "miracle vaccine" turned into what we, ladies and gentleman, like to call zombies. And that's how our story begins.

Soooo hi guys! Thanks so much for reading! Just wanted to jump in here and give you a bit of info! This is the the first time I've published a story here, and I'm really nervous about it.. So if you guys have any constructive criticism or suggestions as for the way this story should progress I would definitely love to hear it! Please don't hesitate to point out mistakes either, I try to edit as best I can, but I could definitely use some grammar Nazis helping me out ;) but yeah, I really just wanted to say thanks so much for reading and bearing with me! Please remember to hit that little star to vote for the chapter if you enjoyed it, and I would love to hear from you in the comments!

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