we have to accept whats coming

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I try to think about my future but it just blurs and i think what can i do to change it. But i know i cant. So.... The girl the one we talked were just not ready we cant do it its not the right time. yet. Maybe sometime in the future when we are zooming about in our cars i can take on a wonderful date and spend some qaulity time together. Maybe we can explain to world in this little portal we call a book what really happens in a teens life. Adults have only skimmed the surface of our world. They think we surround our self in social media and that we are just children iccocent and futile. They think we know nothing but we in this era we grow to fast and we know more than they think. The world just keeps spinning faster and faster and they cant keep up. One they will relize and understand the world we live in and how we come to understand ourselves and how perceive whats going around us. Maybe one day they wont ignore our pleas for help in this lonely world we consider our home.

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