My Brother's Bestfriend.

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(This story is dedicated to all my readers, who've been showering their love on me and still they are. Thank you so much! This is my way of saying thanks. Idk if you'll like it or not but trust me, the love you're showering on me means a lot to me. Trust me. Thank you. ❤
Happy Reading. 💟)

It's weird, yeah I know! Idek why they hell even I'm doing this! I mean I could've taken up something interesting than this. Like how messy it is, so complicated, not my cup of tea and whatever phrase is used for this particular thing! I mean how do even people do this! Even if this is last thing to do on earth even then I would not like do this! I don't know from where people get clout to deal with all this shit! 😩

Bhaaaiiiii! 😑 - I yelled out right from my room.

What happened nandu? 😳 - He asked me in a troubled tone, obviously I've called him for the same reason for nth time. He really hates me for this.

I'm so done with it, again! 😏 - I replied in an irritated tone waving my hands in air.

Not again choti! 😶 - He replied making a weird face.

Bhai please help me na, you can't ignore me like this. - I said making a puppy face. Cute enough for him to melt.

Say? Kya problem hai ab? I explained it to you last night only. - He spoke sternly.

What yesterday! You know this mathematics is not my cup of tea, I don't have any idea how you're doing masters in mathematics! I doubt if I'll be able to pass mathematics exam. I have a feeling I'll flunk! Bhai help me naaa! 😖 - I spoke out of irritation, tension, confusion and what not.

Fine! 😒 - He said and took those stupid note books and text book from my hand.

Thank you Bhai, you know I love you so much. Don't you? 😌😋 - I tried buttering him.

Yeah, I know. Stop this buttering business and concentrate here. 😈😂 - He said making me remember my motive behind calling him here.

Oh wait? What did you think? I'm talking about a guy? That I'm dating someone? Nooo! My Bhai and his friends would kill that guy, a guy at school tried to get close to me in an indecent manner and what my Bhai and his friend did to him you wouldn't like to hear as It's kind of.. no pretty horrible. 😱😂
Well ~ He started to explain me that annoying chapter, trust me it's boring. Like really boring. I don't know how he and his bunch of idiots are doing masters in mathematics.
Two hours passed dealing with that shitty chapter. My brother caught me yawing twice 😴 and then I got fat lectures for not paying attention. I was about to ask him for a break when I heard the most melodious voice right from our main door. Though my room is far from the door but still that man is always loud enough to make me hear himself.


Bhaiii! Manik. Go na. He's come long way to meet you. 😁 - I said it in an excited tone.

Bacha, he lives at 20 steps from our place. 😊 - He said bursting my happiness's bubble.

Bhai, phir bhi. He came here to meet you. You should go and attend him. It won't look nice if you sit here and make me study this piece of crap. - I tried to make sense, obviously I was uttering nonsense I know but then I had to say something or other. Bhai ko bhagana bhe to hai. 😝

Shut up nandu! Concentrate on his problem instead of building and making my friendship strong or whatever. You need to be pro in mathematics not in these stupid things. - He snapped. Grr! I hate him. 😬😞

Manik, come to nandu's room. I'm here! - Bhai yelled right from my room! Like what? Manik is going to come over here? Grr! No way!

Bhai, go to your room! I don't want that guy in my room. - I instructed my Bhai but do you really think it's really easy to deal with guys? Be it your brother or your boyfriend! None of them is going to listen to you! 😏

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