Mystery Man

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Remus' hands were scribbling away at blotchy notes for Transfiguration when there was a loud slam of the door heard, along with muffled laughs. Turning his head - Remus wasn't surprised when he saw Sirius and James stumbling into the classroom and giving McGonagall a curt nod as she stared sternly at them, pursing her lips. Sirius and James hurried over to the empty seats next to Remus, giving the werewolf a mischievous smile.

"What were you two buffoons doing this time?" Remus snapped, whispering bitterly. Sirius chuckled.

"Just something." He said, grinning. "Right James?"

James nodded hastily, rearranging his askew glasses.

"Mr. Black and Mr. Potter, may I ask if you have a worthy excuse for being tardy to my class?" McGonagall asked strictly, pursing her lips to a thin, white line

"Yes we do, Professor."

"And what is it?"

"We... couldn't find our way."

"Black! The pettiest and most pathetic excuse I've ever heard from a sixth year! You know these hallways. Twenty points from Gryffindor."

Groaning, the rest of the Gryffindors in the class sent death glares to Sirius and James, who conveniently ignored them.

"You guys need to learn to tone down the pranks a bit." Remus advised.

"But Moony," Sirius whispered, "We weren't pranking anybody."

Remus rolled his eyes at the innocent response, getting back to taking notes, completely unaware and oblivious to what the evening had in store for him.

"I just love December." Sirius said cheerfully after dinner was over and the four marauders were walking back to the common room. "It's such a happy time, with snow and hot chocolate and presents during Christmas..."

"Eh, I'm not quite that fond of it. It freezes my arse onto my broomstick during quidditch." James said bitterly.

"We didn't need to know that, Prongs."

"Well, you do know anyway. Do you feel smarter?"

"No, so I'm just going to get my homework from upstairs to get smarter instead, okay?" Remus said, yawning slightly. "Okay."

James shrugged, plopping himself down onto the couch. "Hey Padfoot, up for some Exploding Snap?"

"Why not?" Sirius agreed, and dragged the armchair closer to the table.

Remus walked up the stairs to the dormitory, heaving a breathy sigh before collecting his homework papers - lying untouched on the sheets. Gathering his books in his arms, Remus noticed a small folded piece of paper with a Honeydukes chocolate bar lying on top of it.

Gasping, Remus hurriedly put his books down - it was chocolate after all - and reached the bar of candy greedily. Homework forgotten, he climbed onto the sheets and nibbled away at the entire piece of chocolate - savoring each bite slowly - before he finally remembered the neatly folded note as well. An infrequent glint of curiosity shone in Remus' eyes for a moment before he grabbed the piece of paper and read it to himself.

Dear Remus,

It's December 1st, so what does this mean? It's advents time. Look forward to getting something everyday. You have a sweet personality, so you need a sweet treat. Enjoy the chocolate, sugar.



Blinking twice and rereading the note, Remus felt himself gaping. What sort of person would go through the trouble to do this for him? As much as he felt doubt in the promise of receiving a mysterious present every single day, his mouth watered at the thought of luscious chocolate after every dinner until Christmas. Grinning silently to himself, he folded up the note in his pocket, threw away the candy wrapper and walking down the stairs all smiles.

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