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Somehow, somewhere, at sometime, upon opening a door, the girl became more than confused.

It's a somehow not because she didn't know how she got there, although she really didn't.

It's a somewhere not because she didn't know where she was, although she really didn't.

It's a sometime not because she didn't know what time it was exactly, although she really didn't.

Looking back to where she came from, she realized she came out of the kitchen cabinet. It wasn't hers to be precise. She had no idea as to how she got here, or where , or when. Everything around her looked very unfamiliar.

There was a very strange sensation inside of her. It was like she just materialized out of nowhere. A lot of sunspots then began lingering in her eyes, almost occupying every space of her vision. Eventually, the sunspots started disappearing and she was now clear of them.

When her eyes focused, they were concentrated on a pair of a familiar almost grey ones. The ones she had always seen on her favorite anime series. And they were glaring at her. Warning her. No longer did she realize that there was also a rapier pointing dangerously at her, ready to behead her at the moment if rapiers could act like guillotines.

"Would you like to join me with my breakfast, my lady?" He asked in a very calm voice. The voice was no other than those other orbs' owner-- Earl Charles Grey.

Of course she would be in his world right now, the past that is, maybe. Everything looked very vintage. But then she wondered how this was possible. This all looked very real and not from the anime itself. She didn't really want to look very assuming, but was she also an anime character in the anime? An extra perhaps?

"Mind if I do?" The girl asked calmly, seemingly forgetting about his weapon. "You see, the smell of burger patties brought me here."

The earl gave her a very confused look. It was obviously because of her mentioning the word burger. Now that she thought about it, burger wasn't even created until the late 1930s. There was also the fact that people don't eat burgers for breakfast.

"I mean omellete." She said, trying not to look suspicious and then she gave him a sheepish smile.

"Well, that's too bad. I would want someone to accompany me but, I haven't even made breakfast yet. There aren't even any food on stock because I finished them yesterday." Grey said.

"I'd like playing with your lies a little longer, but food just can't wait so I have to make this quick. Tell me--" He was cut in mid sentence when the girl spoke up.

" I thought you said there's no food?" She said, pointing it up. Grey was caught off guard with that, but then he let it slip, changing the subject.

"What were you doing here?" He asked in a very serious tone.

I asked him first, She thought. But then she couldn't really mind that right now. Instead, she just answered his question.

"I was just looking for food. No big deal. The horses didn't want to share any with me. I do always tend to get hungry and savage food stocks too, you know. Just like you."

Charles Grey looked slightly insulted about what she said in the end. Of course he gets hungry too sometimes, but at least he doesn't get in the way of somebody else's privacy. Now that he thought about it, this wasn't his kitchen too, so why did he come searching for food in here? They were in the queen's palace and not on his manor.

Grey looked very hesitant at first, but then he bought the girl's lie in the end. It was strange how he even did. He was of high standards so shouldn't he be able to tell what's real and what's not? But then after all, he's only human, the girl thought.

After a while, he began looking for food. Fortunately, he found some to cook. It was probably his food stock-stock. Then he began making his meal.

The girl tried sneaking out of the kitchen as the awkward silence was becoming more awkward. It was either because he wasn't even paying attention to her anymore ( which she wouldn't really ask for) or because he wasn't offering a plate to her (which she wouldn't really ask for too. She wasn't even hungry). Besides, what would she do there anyway? Stand up because he didn't ask her to sit and just watch him eat? Watching people eat is pretty creepy.

Maybe right now, she could consider looking for Ciel or Sebastian. They would understand her situation. Not that she couldn't tell Grey.

She didn't really want to leave him right now. This was a once in a life time opportunity to meet one of the best people in the world she thought of. But for now, it's a farewell. They would meet soon enough.

Before she could even walk five more meters away from the kitchen, Charles Grey called up for her. Yes, he didn't know her name but he called anyway, even with his mouth full. In very formal ways. He was probably already finished with his twenty plates of breakfast. It was very confusing how he's still obviously fit after eating that much breakfast every other day.

As if automatically, her feet began taking her on the way to the exit, inhumanly fast. She knew every inch of the palace after fangirling over so hard on the series. Well, it wasn't shown, but she studied about the queen's palace every midnight just in case she gets to be there someday. She was a self proclaimed weeb. At least that's what she thought. You see, almost everyone at school calls her that.

Just as she was about to be free, she met Charles. This time, the other Charles. As in Charles Phipps. And unfortunately, Charles Grey was catching up on her. Analyzing the situation, Phipps decided not to let her go. But when he was about to lunge in forward to her, the lady went down below, in between his legs. He missed her of course, as expected. She had already watched enough movies for children to expect that her plan would really work. It was a cliche.

Much to their dismay, she had her freedom. Charles Grey, without any even valid reason as to why he chased her in the first place, wore a frown on his face. Charles Phipps noticed this, but decided to remain serious as always.

To her surprise, a very grand carriage stopped by. Maybe this was the reason Double Charles stopped chasing for her. Just a few meters from her.It looked very much like the Queen's. And surely, after her angel butler came out, it was the Queen's. It would be very rude is she didn't greet her, of course. Well, she looks fine right now. Maybe at least presentable to the Queen and her butler if they spot her. So surely, she should really greet Queen Victoria. It would be as honorable as meeting the present day's queen.

The girl curtsied and made known of the queen's presence, even with her modern clothes. The queen smiled, the same sweet smile she'd give anyone else, although there was curiosity in it, for obvious reasons. She saw her butler whisper something in the queen's ear. Nevertheless, she paid no mind. Immediately, she walked casually away from them. But before she could step another step, she felt a hand grabbing her by the wrist gently, instantly making her stop from going any farther.

"What is your name, pure one?" Ash Landers asked her. Pure. He called me pure. How was that even?

The girl thought of it as well.

What was her name?

She didn't know herself.

A Wrinkle in Dimension (A Black Butler fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now