Chapter Three - Kiera

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Chapter Three – Kiera

Picture of Kiera on the side.  

“Get up love, your holiday is over!” 

I drained my mother’s voice out by shoveling my face deeper into my fluffy pillows. Instead of getting me and alarm clock, like normal mums, my mum insisted she'd be the one to wake me up for school everyday. This was probably wise because if I did have an alarm clock I wouldn't wake up to it, so gold star to her for thinking ahead. School, however, was not a good enough reason for me to get out of the warmth and comfyness that was my bed. School is useless if you don't know what you want to be when you're older, maybe I want to be a groupie, or part of the actual band. I know for a fact that whatever I was going to turn out to be didn't require me to go to school. Or maybe that's just my laziness talking...

My bed deepened on one particular spot informing me that my mother was now sitting on my bed. Oh great, she entered my domain.  

“Sweetie pie, please, I don’t want you to be late.”

“Stop calling me names, i’m not 6 anymore. And my name is Kiera,” I spat in frustration.

I angrily got up from the safety of my blankets and threw it on the ground dramatically. It wasn't anything new to mum, I had started this attitude at 11. Leaving my room, which was supposed to be private, mum obviously didn’t know what I meant by private, I headed to the shower. I was not in the mood for showering, no, correction, I wasn’t in the mood for school but I settled for just washing my body. Who can be bothered washing their hair every day? Oh, those plastic bitches at school known as cheerleaders. I wonder what time they wake up? 4am for some yoga, 5am for breakfast, 6am for showering, 7am for make-up and hair. How pathetic, what a waste of precious sleeping time.

After emerging from the shower smelling decent, I forced a comb through my blond, brown hair and applied eye makeup; it made my piercing blue eyes stick out just as much. The blue eyes I inherited from neither of my grey eyes parents.

By the time I was finished it was getting quite late, I didn’t care though, and the sun was seeping happily through my curtains. I slipped on my jeans and a random baggy shirt before placing a yellow nirvana, loose beanie on my head. I then slid down the wooden rails of our staircase and grabbed an apple before proceeding to the big mahogany door that led outside with my backpack. 

“Let me drop you off today, maybe we can stop for come coffee or whatever you kids like to drink these days-“

My muffled laughs interrupted her and I glanced at her, my eyebrows furrowed and my smile reached my eyes. My mum can be quite the joker some times- note sarcasm. To my amusement she looked completely confused and a light shade of pink formed on her acute cheekbones. 

“I’ll see you later,” was all I responded with.

After rolling my eyes I picked up my trusted skateboard and headed out. I lived in a huge creamy coloured house with a beautiful healthy front lawn and your stereotypical white picket fence. But I was nothing like your stereotypical girl that wore dresses, and became a cheerleader and dreamt all day about love. No sir, that is just not me. Love is stupid, and for the weak.

"Kiera, honey! We can go um, 'chill' after school?" My mum questioned from the front of the house. 

Shaking my head in embarrassment, because the whole neighborhood had turned to look, I dropped my skateboard carelessly and laughed for a whole 5 minutes as I skated to school. If that was her way of wanting to bond with me she’d have to try a whole lot harder. Most people would find my interactions towards my mother rude, but you can’t blame me. I’ve never really had much of a connection with mum; my first memory of her is me angrily throwing my baby food at her. It was true that many teenagers didn’t appreciate their mum at this time, but it was different for me. Mum didn’t seem to understand me at all, not even from an early age. Of course no one understands. I was just one of those people that you can't break into, even if you tried. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2013 ⏰

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