Chapter 1

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It was the summer before sophomore year. I was dating my best friend. He was incredible. He was adorable and cute and could always make me smile. His name was Justin. We had grown up together and it was inevitable that we would date. Our parents always joked about it. They weren't surprised when it actually happened. 

We were sitting on the old beat up swings in his backyard, when he turned to me. "Selena, I love you." He said to me seriously. He caught me by surprise. I had no idea what to say. I didn't know if I loved him back. We were fifteen. How was I supposed to now if I loved someone? I mean I loved Justin but I didn't know if it was the kind of love he was looking for. We were best friends, I couldn't remember a time without him. "Selena?" He said my name nervously. "Don't you love me back?" He asked as his voice cracked.

"Justin, I don't know. I don't know if I love you. We are fifteen. How are we supposed to know?" I said feeling horrible. I didn't want to hurt him.

"I don't know. I just know that I love you, Selena. You make me happy. I smile like a fool whenever you're around. Selena, I love you. Don't you feel it too?" His eyes started to water but he turned away from to try and hide it. I couldn't believe what was about to happen. Justin and I were about to break up. Justin was my first kiss and my first boyfriend. We had done everything together. He was the one constant in my life. I had a hard time imagining this year without him.

"I'm-I'm sorry Justin." My own tears started to swell up in my eyes. My chest hurt.

"I guess this is it then." He stood up from his swing and wiped a tear away. "Have a nice life." He turned and walked inside his house. I stood there watching him walk into his house not believing what just happened. I walked home by myself for the first time. Justin would always walk me home, but I guess a lot of things were going to change.

When school started everything was mostly the same except Justin and I never talked. He wouldn't even look at me in the hallways. I was completely lost without him. It was two weeks into the school year when there was news going around the halls that a new kid was at school. 

I was sitting in my English class, when he walked through the door. He looked amazing. His chocolate brown curls that looked messy but they were neat. If that made sense. He walked swiftly into the room and over to my boring English teacher who hadn't even noticed him walk in. I looked around the room and every girl was staring at him in awe and every guy was staring at him pissed. I looked back over to where he was standing and I saw my English teacher point over by me. That's when I realized the only empty seat was right next to me. He looked straight at me with his beautiful brown eyes. He gracefully walked over and sat in the empty desk.

He leaned over, "Hey, I'm Nick." He flashed the most amazing smile I had ever seen.

"I'm Selena." I couldn't help but smile. He smiled back.

"Well, Selena, it's nice to meet you." I smiled like a fricken idiot.

"It's nice to meet you too." My heart was pounding in my chest and butterflies were flying up a storm in my stomach. Was this what Justin meant?

Two weeks later and Nick and I were really good friends. I loved spending every second with him. I was standing by the door of his science class waiting for him to walk out so we could walk home but he didn't come out. I was about to walk away when I turned around to see Nick standing there with flowers and two pieces of paper.

"Selena Marie Gomez, I am crazy about you! Will you please go to homecoming with me?" He flashed that amazing smile I have been in love with since we met.

"Yes!" I jumped into his arms.

Homecoming was amazing. Nick asked me to be his girlfriend while we were dancing to a slow song. I thought I was in love.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2016 ⏰

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