Chapter 1

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September, 11 2015

Dear diary,

Today is the day. I'm already feeling nauseous; I can't believe that I'm actually doing it. It first started as a joke with Luke, but eventually here I am! In London! I hope to have a quiet senior year...anyway, wish me luck!

Time's already 07.30 and I'm still in bed. Really, I'm in no mood to get up right now! I hear Luke walking towards my bedroom door.

"Wake up you sleepyhead! Just so you know, I'm not gonna be waiting for you!"

"You're an ass...'' I mutter through my teeth, and finally make it out of bed.

I glance at myself in the mirror ~I'm almost scared really~ and rush to the bathroom. After I wash my face and apply some hydrating cream, I desperately try to bring my hair out of the mess that it is. I finally manage to make it look decent and go back to my room to dress.

I choose to wear my black jeans and a leather shirt, along with my leather jacket. I put on my favorite necklace and my black boots. I complete my look by applying a little lip gloss and some mascara.

I glance at the clock and it's already 07.55. I grab my bag and make it downstairs. Luke is in the kitchen preparing some breakfast, but for now the only thing my stomach can handle is a cup of coffee.

"so, are you ready?" Luke asks me handing me a cup of fresh coffee.

"nopee...are you?"

"yeah I think so. You'll do fine I'm sure" he reassures me.

"I wouldn't be so sure...I mean this is totally crazy!"

"stop being paranoid Nina. Things will get better you'll see. As long as I'm still around, you have nothing to be afraid of, okay?"

"thank you..." I smile and give him a tight hug.

Luke is my best friend. I don't know where I would have been without him. He's always been by my side and I'm grateful. We've known each other since primary school back in Washington and I don't want my stay here to, I don't know, maybe affect our relationship in any way. After he releases me from the hug he grabs his bag as well.

"shall we?'' he suggest gesturing to the door.

"do you really think everything will be fine from now on?" I ask, hesitation clear in my voice.

"I don't think so, I know so. Now come on, we don't wanna be late, do we?" he offers me his hand and I take it.

We walk out if the house and head to the school. It must be a ten-minute walk from Luke's house. Our walk is silent and after a few minutes I can make out the school in the distance. My new school. My new beginning. Maybe Luke's right. Maybe everything will change now. I have to leave everything behind and start over. With Luke by my side everything seems possible. My life in Washington is nothing but past, and my life here, in London, is the future.

Yeah. I think I can make through this year unharmed, can't I?

**I just wanted to make sure that the characters are a product of imagination and bear no resemblance to actual events**

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