Meet the people
Hi I'm niall. I am I was born in. I like music.Hi I'm Sophia I love music and soccer. I am I was born in
Chapter 2
Niall used to love soccer but he got side tracked by a girl named Sophia. He loved her so much. So he went up to her and was so excited to talk to her. He asked her on a date. She said yes and after that they got married a couple months later. They then decided to have a kid. 9 months later they had a girl with blond hair and named her Christy Marie Trimmell. She was beautiful and niall found his new love Christy.Chapter 3
Together they went to dances and to Florida. Florida was a hot place. Niall was always holding Christy. He loved her so much. They were so happy together. One day they went to eat at red lobster.Chapter 4
Then it was Christy first birthday. They got her a doll. It had her name on it. She loved it. On her sweet 16 they did a big sleepover. She started getting into Pokemon cards. Niall got her a mustang. She went out to drive it and was so excited.Chapter 5
She got to a party and she had so much fun. When she was 21 she had a date with Harry. They got married. Then they adopted a girl named Marry. She was born on September 24,2004.Please follow
RomanceIts about a girl who meets niall and falls in love and then they have a kid then two years later they adopt a kid