Chapter 1 - Darling

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"My mind keeps saying run as fast as you can," I yelled singing along to the song that was blaring through the speakers of my car. I shut the car off making the music stop, pushing the door opened stepping out with my bag hanging from my elbow. Everyone was staring at my car and at me confused. 

"Its the 1970 dodge Charger from Fast and Furious," I heard someone whisper as I made my way along the path to my first lecture of the year.

"Sure, is." I winked at the guy that was literally gawking at my baby. 

I was welcomed by the warmth when I opened the door to one of the many buildings. 

"Is that your car out there?" a Irish accent said as I was taking my scarf off. I turned around to see him doing the same thing as I but pointing out in the direction of the car park.

"You'll have to be more specific, darling." I purred pushing my scarf into my hand bag so I don't drop it on the filthy floors. 

"The 1970 Dodge Charger" he chuckled. He was about my height but I'm wearing high heels so I would probably normally reach up to his chin.

"Sure is why?"

"Beautiful Car, My names Niall," he reached his hand out for a hand shake. 

"Yeah, boyfriend owns it." When he noticed I wasn't going to shake his hand he awkwardly ran it through his Blonde hair. Honestly it looked dyed but it suited him unlike most guys these days. 

"This is were you tell me your name," he chuckled pushing his hands into his jean pockets and leaning on his left leg.

"Haven't earned it," shrugging my shoulders I smirked and walked off. Finally I made to the room and sat next to some Brunette that had her boobs hanging out everywhere even though it's still fucking winter and this isn't a brothel. The Professor drowned on for what felt like years, I wasn't even listening just drawing in the margin of my note book. I thought it would be great to be an English teacher but as soon as this idiot opened his mouth I had started to regret that decision. This is the first class and its shit hopefully the other classes are more interesting cause, fuck no was I teaching this kinda shit to anyone. I think I might just go with being a author, people have always said I have a talent for writing and I did have creative writing as a subject.

"Have a nice day everybody," he finally chimed from the front of the class and turned around packing his stuff into his bag. 

"Hey," I said standing in front of the Brunette. "I saw that you were taking notes would it be any trouble if I could borrow them for a second."

"Um... Sure," she opened her book and I quickly took a photo of the five pages on my phone. 

"Thanks, Hun," I smirked walking away just as she was going to say something. I had an hour and a half till my next class so I walked down the street to Starbucks ordering my coffee and sitting in the far corner with my nose in the book I was reading lately, The Prince of Thorns. It's about a Prince that goes around killing everything that lives and breaths. Not everybody's cup of tea but I like reading all the gross killing bits and this one goes into detail which is awesome. 

By time that I got back on campus I had two minutes so I had to jog through the court yard in 6-inch heels which isn't that fun at all. I was just about to grab the door handle when a hard body rambled into my side making my second coffee of the day to fall to the ground causing me to jump back, screaming and throwing my arms in the air. Great this day is just getting even better how about I just go throw myself of a bridge. First my favorite car doesn't start so I had to drive the 1970 Dodge Charger which I only use for races and now me bloody coffee is all over the concrete. Falling on on my butt causeing my bag to go flying, my books and papers falling out.

"Shit. Here let me help you," I looked up to find a guy about the same age of me holding his hand out for me to grab it. He looked alright, brown mop of curly hair, black skinnies, white T and a flannel over the top. This dude mustn't feel the cold them, prick.

"Whatever," I huffed stuffing everything back into my bag and standing up. Ignoring him I opened the door and rushed inside sitting at the desk in the back row pulling out my other note pad. looking up I found that the guy had followed and stood glaring at the kid in the desk next to mine.

"Move," he growled making the skinny lad jump up rushing to grab his books and pens then running down to a desk down the front.

"Jerk," I scoffed, shacking my head and listening to the Professor talk about the assignment due Friday. Great i'm now going to be freaking out all week cause of the douche of a professor, at least the last guy gave us two weeks instead of one.

The Jerk just leaned back into his chair and chuckled, "Just you wait babe."

 "What's your name darling," he drawled after about ten minutes. His British accent made the 'darling' sound so much more exotic, dragging out the word giving it more syllables than necessary. 

I ignored him continuing on actually taking my notes this time instead of having to ask for a copy again.

"I'll just call you Darling them, I'm Harry," He continued talking to him self. 

"Styles shut it, she's not interested," sassed another British guy in front of me.

"Tomlinson honestly we've talked about this. You need to be my wing man, back me up sometimes mate," Harry grinned as the Tomlinson guy just rolled his eyes turning back around.

"He's grumpy, girlfriend hasn't been giving him sex for the last week." Harry chimed pulling his phone out and started to type on it. Soon after the guy in front sighed obviously annoyed and pulled his phone of reading it. 

"Do it yourself, Dick," he muttered. I'm just going to go a head and assume Harry texted Louis. 

Harry huffed standing up and walking down to the Professor and having a little hushed conversation while the rest of us just sat there uninterested. After Harry had smiled innocently towards me he walked out of the room, what a dickhead. He never came back after he mysteriously left in a huff.

"I'm sorry, he's a bit of a dick," 'Tomlinson' apologized standing in front of my desk as everyone started to pack up there things. 

"Go figure," I laughed standing up, throwing my stuff back into my bag.

"I'm Louis by the way," he reached out for a hand shake. What is up with guys and having to touch a girl every time they meet a new one. "This is when you shake my hand and tell me your name."

"I'm not a people person," I turned to leave but before I could get anywhere he grabbed my upper arm. 

"Look I'm trying to be nice, help a guy out will ya." he chuckled shaking his head and removing his hand.

"You English guys have balls don't you," I giggled. These two guys just don't give up with talking do they. 

"Ahhh we pride ourselves with them." Louis shrugged a sly smirk creeping up on to his adorable face. Everything was adorable with his kid, the way he pushed he hair aside every time is got in his eyes and they way he always had an answer. I just wanted to grab his cheeks and do what those old crazy grannies do. We started to walk out the room and down the hallways together.

"I'm sure you do. You've earned to know my name young chap. I'm Kat," I stuck my hand out to shake his, he amuses me.

"Well thank you ma'ma," he laughed shaking my hand then opening the door to the outside and letting me go first. "There's a party tonight, you should come."

"Oh what about that girlfriend of your's," I chuckled pulling my coat closed tighter and retrieving my scarf from my bag. 

"I'm no hitting on you, Jesus. Harry put me up to this and i owe him anyway."

"Oh come on he's a dick, I'm not going" 

"Yeah you are, what's your number and I'll text you the address," pulling out with phone and stopping in the middle of the path. The people behind us didn't run into us like i imagined but instead they looked at Louis and quickly walked around them. After I gave him my number we said our goodbyes and parted ways. 

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