Chapter 1- Mission Impossible

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I twisted my hair into a ponytail, tucking it under my cap and lowering the brim. Then I took a final look around the room full of strangers, Wondering which of them would help me escape, and which would try to kill me.

The woman craddeling a baby in front of me gave me a suspicious look.

"Now you understand your objective?" Charles, my lead operative asked me for the hundreth time that day.

I nodded my head slightly, knowing he had at least two-hundred cameras watching my every move.

This was a test. Not a pencil-and-paper-fill-in-the-bubble-test. But the type your life depended on, if your cover was blown, you were a dead man, in my case woman.

I had to find the assasin that had been hired to set off a bomb in the White House. But posing as a male security guard was difficult, as well as incredibly painful.

The disguise I now wore as I exited the waiting area in the airport was more of a full body armor suit. There was padding everywhere. And to make matters worse I had a fake nose, thick eyebrows, and sideburns, yes sideburns.

"Head to Security Center 6C to await confirmation." Said the familiar robotic female voice.

Looking at the floor plans on a security map, I headed for my destination.

When I arrived and walked into the room, I watched the other guards curiously, seeking out the alibi Charles said was another security guard. I inspected all of them closely and was left with two possible, fellow spies, out of the twenty men and women that sat before me.

Sitting between the two I whispered our confirmation question, "Have you heard?" It was silly but Charles swore it was foolproof, since most average citizens either say 'what?' or just wait for an answer.

"What?" Said the man on my right, just as the other man whispered the correct answer.

"Never have I ever." He looked at me directly. His voice sounded feminime so I took it he was a she.

We both rose to our feet simultaneously, and walked out the double-doors. Standing five feet apart, as to not cause suspicion in any way, we headed to the smoking area outside.

At the smoking area, we saw the photobooth. Making a silent agreemen, he...or she, walked in. After a couple of seconds there were three flashes, I walked over and got in.

Pressing the correct combination and entering three dollars and thirty-three cents, the camera took my photo three times. It analyzed my results and the adjoining wall to the booth slid away, revealing a track. My chair pushed up and over, rolling me onto the track, automatically replenishing the empty space with a new seat.

The chair rolled forward and took me to Head Quarters.

I walked into the room with my head held high. Finding the alibi was the first point before I could start my real mission.

"Very good Ms. Hoffman." Charles said as he strolled up to me. "You may discard you cover over there." He pointed to a incineration bin to my left.

Taking off my disguise I asked him where my partner was. "He's coming soon."

I looked over to the security guard taking off the disguise. It was a girl as I'd thought before. But isn't she my partner? I thought to myself.

Just then, walking towards us, a guy about the same age as me entered the room. "Charles. How are you?" He said as if they were old friends.

"I'm good now that you've finally arrived, Ky."

"Oh, blowing my cover already are you?" He smirked and walked towards me, outstretching his muscular arm. "Hello there, you must be my new partner. Roberts," he said with a 007 accent. "Ky Roberts."

Great, we've hired an idiot.

"Nice to meet you." I said hiding my irritation. "My name is Naomi Hoffman."

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