The game has been played
Since the beginning of time.
Some participate for alternative
Reasons not pertaining to its original intent,
Playing on other people's emotions
for their own personal gain.
Those on Team Greed strategise for the money,
And players on Team Vain
think they win with fame.
Other teams don't follow the rules,
trying to engage with more
than one piece at a time,
thinking no one will notice.
Then there's the literal 'Player'
who willingly abides
by the regulations of the game
merely to trick the other
participant into believing
the game has been won.
That's when the tables
are turned once
the 'player's' sexual fantasies and desires
are fulfilled.
However, not all teams mistreat
Other participants,
If one player obeys the laws
along with another they are interacting with,
Many times, player one and player two
become a winning team.
If they continue to strategise together ,
conquering all obstacles,
defeating all boundaries
while following the rules then
they have truly won,
the most dangerous gameA/N- this is like a gist of the whole story and what it is about. The story is going to be very interesting. And I'll work on the description of the story later.
Hope you'll like it 😊